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ISPadmin 5.36

5.36 beta2 – build 03.03.2025 14:15

  • Dashboard: Links have been added to some of the widgets that did not contain them.
  • Client card / Services: When you hover over the ONT on the GPON Internet edit page, the entire description appears.
  • Client card / Services: The retrieval of client IP address options has been modified.
  • Client / Signatures: A new column has been added to the page: Service invoiced from. If a document is linked with a particular service, the column contains the contents of the Invoiced from date field from the service settings. A new filter has been added to the page too: Service invoicing start (from – to). You can use it to find relevant documents.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The display of longer tooltips for deactivated Delete buttons have been improved.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: It is now possible to view the corresponding client graphs for Cambium router network interfaces.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The display of the IP pool type selectbox on the network edit form has been fixed.
  • Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices: The bulk invoice sending process has been improved.
  • Invoicing / Overpayments / Overpayments: The display of data in the Unpaid invoices column has been fixed.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets: A potential issue with missing inline attachments has been fixed.
  • The entering of 2FA codes has been improved: When you enter a wrong code, the entire code is deleted and the cursor appears in the first field.

5.36 beta1 – build 17/02/2025 15:30

  • Client card / Invoicing / Invoice details / Pay in cash: An error has been fixed that occurred when entering the form.
  • Scheduling / Add task: An error has been fixed that occurred when entering the form.
  • Scheduling / Add task: An error has been fixed that occurred when saving the form.

5.36 beta1 – build 07/02/2025 11:55

  • A GPON-related issue has been fixed.

5.36 beta1 – build 06/02/2025 13:29

  • Dashboard: A new widget has been added to the page: Announcements from the system provider. You can use it to view our current announcements for system users again.
  • Client card / Information: The client settings for issuing proforma or standard invoices has been modified. If an invoice group is selected that is set to issue proforma invoices, it is possible to individually change the setting using the Do not issue proforma invoices option. If an invoice group is selected that is set to issue standard invoices, it is possible to individually change the setting using the Issue proforma invoices option.
  • Client card / Services: The order of several items in the overview has been changed for Internet services.
  • Client card / Services: Login credentials for Internet services of the RADIUS type are now displayed in the overview.
  • Client card / Services: Switch links have been added to Internet services.
  • Client card / Services: When you hover over the individual items in the Access point selectbox, the full name and description appears.
  • Client card / Services: The retrieval of IP addresses offered in the Client IP address section in the Internet service settings has been modified.
  • Client card / Services: The retrieval of values offered in the IP pool NAT section in the Internet service settings has been modified. The options offered are retrieved based on router and groups. The system offers pools with an assigned router that is the same as the router selected in the service settings as well as pools with an assigned group that is the same as the group of the router selected in the service settings.
  • Client card / Services: The end device IP address check has been modified. It is now possible to ignore a duplication notification and save the service.
  • Client card / Services: A message display issue has been fixed for additional client IP addresses.
  • Client card / Services: The process of suspension of Internet services via API has been improved.
  • Client card / Services: A problem has been fixed that could potentially occur when returning from the Internet service edit form to the overview of Internet services.
  • Client card / Services: The processing of username-related variables and the retrieval of data to configuration files have been fixed for VoIP services.
  • Client card / Statistics: The display of basic speeds has been fixed for services with a tariff that uses time speed limits.
  • Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: The display of the totals on the page has been modified.
  • Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: If you add a pending item with zero price to an invoice, the zero price will be displayed on the invoice too.
  • Client / Contacts: The Fax column has been added to the overview.
  • Clients / Services / Internet: It is possible to search for service-related routed networks using the fulltext search feature.
  • Clients / Services / Internet: The display of prices in the Monthly price incl. VAT column has been modified.
  • Clients / Statistics / Data: An error on the page has been fixed.
  • Client status change emails now contain client numbers.
  • Photo gallery: A problem with missing file extensions has been fixed for photos uploaded using the mobile application.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The POP filter search option has been modified to ignore diacritics.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: It is now possible to add more than one group to a router.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: In the IPv6 routed networks section in the router settings, it is possible to choose one of the following categories: Client networks or Client WAN addresses. If the second option is selected, you can enter a value with the mask 128 only. This address is then offered in the Available addresses by router WAN networks section in the Client IPv6 WAN address setting in the Internet service settings.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: Switching the router type to another will cancel the emergency mode if necessary.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The retrieval of data from MikroTik routers has been modified to take into account the various versions of wireless interface packages.
  • Hardware / Switches: A peak issue that could potentially occur in switch graphs has been fixed. If a template contains an OID for 64-bit counter for transfers and packets, the system will always retrieve data from this OID. If a particular switch does not support 64-bit counters, it is necessary to remove this OID from the template. Otherwise, transfer data will not be retrieved!
  • Hardware: When deleting a device, the system now checks whether the device is part of a link.
  • Settings / IP pools / IP pool NAT: A new setting has been added to the form: Group. You can choose one or more groups that will then be used for the filtering of the options offered in the Internet service settings.
  • Scheduling / Calendar: A calendar display issue after automatic logout and subsequent login has been fixed.
  • Scheduling / Calendar: A mobile view issue has been fixed that caused the task deletion confirmation window to be covered by the task details window.
  • Scheduling / Add task: With the help of the SMS and push user notifications feature, it is now possible to send task reminders to users not only via SMS, but also via push notifications to the browser.
  • API: It is possible to filter tasks retrieved via API based on their start date (from – to).
  • Invoicing / Overpayments / Overpayments: Sorting has been added to the Overpayments and Unpaid invoices columns.
  • Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices: The HU XML export has been reworked. (HU localization)
  • Helpdesk / Tickets: The Add internal message button has been added to the individual messages in the Internal communication section as well as beneath all the messages.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets: The internal message editor has been reworked.
  • Helpdesk / Settings / Statuses: A status deletion problem has been fixed.
  • Helpdesk: The token expiration check for Microsoft Graph API has been modified. It is now necessary to enter an expiration date in the Token expiration setting in the relevant department settings.
  • An issue with the ping settings form has been fixed.
  • When entering a code from the authenticator, the last digit could, under certain circumstances, remain unentered. Fixed.