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5.25 stable – build 24/11/2022 14:39
- Linux router update has been fixed.
5.25 stable – build 23/11/2022 14:47
- Clients / Services / General service: An error on the page has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All: Retrieval of MAC addresses for Cambium devices has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi list: Cambium devices have been added to the list.
5.25 stable – build 31/10/2022 14:44
- Hardware / Routers / All: An error in the overview has been fixed.
5.25 stable – build 26/10/2022 14:43
- Scheduling: On the task edit form, it was not possible to delete the task. Fixed.
- Other / Backups / Switches: Switch backup download has been fixed.
5.25 beta2 – build 21/10/2022 11:03
- Receipt of cash payments in the case of the undivided cash box has been fixed.
5.25 beta2 – build 20/10/2022 15:21
List of switch backups
- Other / Backups: A new tab has been added to the menu: Switches. If you do not see it, check your user account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
- The page contains a list of MikroTik SwOS switch backups.
- You can view, create and download the backups.
Further changes
- Client card / Active services: One of the Internet service checks has been modfied: GPON OLT IP addresses are taken into account.
- Client card / Active services: The IPTV service discount check has been fixed.
- Hardware / IP ranges: GPON OLT items have been added to the list.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: Deleted users are not offered in the Owner menu.
- New system variables have been added to the list ($CLIENT_SIGNED_EN$ and $COMPANY_SIGNED_EN$). You can use them to add the text Electonically signed to documents.
5.25 beta1 – build 14/10/2022 11:04
- Scheduling: A closed task click-through error has been fixed.
5.25 beta1 – build 11/10/2022 13:14
- Retrieval of frequencies from UBNT client units has been fixed.
5.25 beta1 – build 10/10/2022 12:45
- Hardware / POPs / All: POP deletion fixed
- Network diagram fixed
- Notifications of incoming SMS messages fixed
5.25 beta1 – build 06/10/2022 14:31
Speeds in Mbit/s
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: Speeds are entered and displayed in Mbit/s.
- The bitrate_unit setting from Settings / Syst. settings / General is used for the conversion.
- The list of tariffs and other pages where speeds occur have been modified.
- The speed variables remain the same. There are kbit/s as well as Mbit/s version of the relevant variables.
Network diagram
- Optional submodule of the Network management and monitoring module
- Hardware / POPs / Overview / Network diagram: This page contains the diagram of the network. You can use the full-text search feature and keyboard shortcuts. You can view information about the individual elements and the path to the Internet. You can click through to the list of unlinked devices. And much more.
- The diagram layout has been modified so that larger networks and networks with an uneven distribution of elements are rendered better.
- Further improvements will be added in the following versions.
Backups of switches with MikroTik SwOS
- Hardware / Settings / Device type: If the Switch device category is selected, a new item appears: OS. You can choose an operating system (namely, MikroTik SwOS).
- If the given type is selected in the switch settings, the Username and Password fields for backups appear on the form.
- Backups can be deactivated using the Disable backup checkbox on the form.
New widget Devices with communication problems
- Dashboard / Overview and Network
- The widget contains a list of devices with communication problems.
- When you click on the Eye icon, more information is displayed.
Individual reminders
- Client card / Invoicing / Invoice details / Send reminder
- The form for sending individual reminders has been completely reworked.
- It is now possible to send an SMS reminder.
- The available options are the same as the options for bulk reminder generation.
Cash payment rounding
- Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups: In the invoice group settings, you can check the Round cash payments box. If it is checked, a new field appears: Lowest payable value. You must enter a particular value into this field (for example: 0.05).
- Client card / Invoicing / Receive cash payment: If an invoice group with the relevant setting is selected, the preview includes the total amount as well as the rounding amount. The rounded total amount can be seen on the cash receipt.
Helpdesk and OAuth 2.0 authentication
- Microsoft services no longer support Basic authentication. As a result, support for the OAuth 2.0 authentication has been added to the system.
- Helpdesk / Settings / Department: In the Protocol menu, you can choose a new option Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0. When the option is selected, three more items appear. You need to fill in the items with data about the application registered in Microsoft Azure.
Further changes
- Client card / Information: Potential unwanted interactions between mailing and invoicing addresses have been removed.
- Client card / Information: The VIES check has been modified for the IT localization.
- Client card / Internet statistics: In the Client WiFi graphs, the signal and ccq values have been replaced with the Rx-signal, Tx-signal, Rx-ccq and Tx-ccq values.
- Client card / Active services: A new option has been added to services that allows you to create a new Helpdesk ticket with the preset service.
- Client card / Active services: In the Internet service settings, service types and switches are now sorted alphabetically.
- Client card / Invoicing / Pending items: The table with the pending items has been reworked.
- Client card / Invoicing / Invoice details / Issue credit note: PDF file creation has been modified.
- Clients / Services / Internet: It is now possible to choose particular Internet services and use them for the purposes of bulk actions.
- Clients / Services / VoIP / VoIP: The page has been completely reworked.
- Clients / Services / General service: The page has been completely reworked.
- Clients / Statistics / By connection: A new button has been added to the page: Show current data. The button can be used to display data that are completely up to date.
- Clients / Statistics / By connection: VoIP statistics have been fixed (time called and amount).
- Automatic reports about client status changes were not sent under certain conditions. Fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All: SNMP tests can be performed for individual switches and devices connected to routers.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The information about the checked Do not apply MANGLE, FILTER and NAT rules locally box is displayed for the relevant routers in the overview.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The system behavior associated with the Do not apply MANGLE, FILTER and NAT rules locally setting has been modified. If the checkbox is checked, simple queue rules (local QoS), PPPoE secrets, DHCP leases and Mikrotik ACL are kept.
- Hardware / Routers / All: Irrelevant information and items have been removed from the overview and settings for virtual routers.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Dashboard and Routers: Firmware version retrieval has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi clients: The entire table has been reworked.
- Hardware / Switches: SNMP tests can be performed for individual switches.
- Hardware / POPs / All: The CSV export option has been added to the page.
- Hardware / POPs / Links: The CSV export option has been added to the page.
- Hardware / POPs / End links: The CSV export option has been added to the page.
- Hardware / POPs / Access points: Longer descriptions were not exported correctly to a CSV file. Fixed.
- Hardware / Outages: The page has been completely reworked. Sorting by time has been fixed.
- Hardware: Simple queue: Services that are shaped on a GPON OLT (local shaping) are not written to the router.
- Hardware: Simple queue: Calculation of IPs in the target for individual shared tariffs has been modified.
- Hardware: Simple queue: For ROS 7.3+, it is allowed to define the maxlimit greater than 4.2Gb/s.
- POP card / Devices: SNMP tests can be performed for individual switches and devices connected to routers.
- ONT change fixes and improvements has been added to the system.
- Settings / Syst. settings / General: A new setting has been added to the page: internet_services_require_ap. You can use it to specify whether access points are required for Internet services.
- Settings / Syst. settings / Syslog: A new setting has been added to the table: mikrotik_syslog_severity. You can use it to specify the severity level of logged messages.
- Retrieved values that are sent via alerts have been modified. The system now also takes into account possible conversions specified in templates.
- Scheduling / Settings / Task types: In the Optional sections of the task form settings, you can specify sections that are to be displayed for the given task type. You can also specify to which categories the task type belongs.
- Scheduling: Tasks without activites (events) are automatically closed once the period specified in their settings elapses.
- Scheduling: The client name was missing from user unassignment emails. Fixed.
- Other / Bulk: A new option has been added to the existing filters: Switch.
- Other / Bulk: The Router (clients connected to AP) filter has been modified.
- Other / Map: Virtual router status is considered to be undefined. This router type is marked in grey on the map.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: The ticket details now contain information about forwarded messages (new item type + information in the timeline). These items are not displayed in the Client portal.
- Time details in emails containing information about received SMS messages have been fixed.