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ISPadmin 5.15

ISPadmin 5.15 stable

RELEASE DATE: December 15, 2020

  • Scheduling: Task previews have been fixed. Any potential br tags have been removed.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets / Create ticket: The form has been modified. In the Department setting, the first item from the list was selected by default. Now you have to choose a particular department. When you do that, some of the other settings get set automatically.

ISPadmin 5.15 beta3

RELEASE DATE: December 7, 2020

  • Client card / GDPR / Add client consent: When the status was set to Returned, the checkboxes were not rendered correctly. Fixed.
  • Client card / History: Service transfer entries have been modified.
  • Hardware / Routers / All / Add router: When no POP was chosen, the form did not contain the Location setting. Fixed.
  • Hardware / Routers / Router status / BW test: BW test graph rendition has been fixed.
  • Hardware / POPs / Overview: Using the POP filter, you can view links that contain a given POP. If no such link exists, the corresponding POP icon is now displayed (instead of nothing at all).
  • Scheduling / Calendar: The calendar maximum height has been increased.
  • Scheduling / Add task: If a particular service is chosen, its installation address is always copied to the Address field. This applies to all service types.
  • Invoicing / Overviews / Debts / Debts: Sorting by individual columns has been fixed.
  • Invoicing / Payments / Payments / Match: A decimal comma as well as a decimal point can be entered into the Payment amount field.
  • Inventory / Inventory: If the Quantity checkbox was not checked in the user preferences, the user in question could not transfer items. Modified.
  • Helpdesk: SQL query optimization. Speed improvements.

ISPadmin 5.15 beta2

RELEASE DATE: November 25, 2020

  • Clients / Contacts / Add contact: The Invoice due date and Suspend services settings were not prefilled by the system. Fixed.
  • Client card / Information / Contacts: When system variables related to contact persons are used, deleted contact persons are ignored (filtered out).
  • Hardware: To prevent spikes from occurring in traffic graphs, the system will not save null values into the Influx database.
  • Hardware / POPs / All / POP card: When a POP card was displayed, an error message could appear. Fixed.
  • Hardware / POPs / Overview: In the map, the exclamation mark symbol is used to mark those POPs that have an active incoming link with a specified device and an active outgoing link with a specified device, but do not have a single complete active link in the POP (even via several devices). When you click on the POP, a corresponding message appears in the window.
  • Hardware / POPs / Overview: The list of devices assigned to a POP is divided into several sections in the pop-up window. A scrollbar has been added to the window so that it does not get larger and larger as the number of devices increases.
  • Hardware / POPs / Overview: If there is an other device of the Internet access type assigned to a POP, the device is marked as such using an icon in the list of devices in the pop-up window. The same icon is used in the list of devices in the respective POP card.
  • Hardware / Settings / Device type: When a new device type was being added to the system, an error message appeared. Fixed.
  • Settings / Tariffs / Internet: The maximum number of items per page setting has been modified.
  • Statistics / Server stats / Graphs: When Debian 10 was used, the disk usage graphs were not displayed properly. Fixed.
  • Invoicing: Under certain conditions, the client name did not appear on invoices. Fixed.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: Emails that are delivered in plain-text version only are displayed in their plain text version. Emails that are delivered in HTML version only are displayed in their limited HTML version. In this case, a message appears that informs the user that the full HTML version might contain harmful content. Emails that are delivered in HTML version as well as plain-text version are displayed primarily in their plain-text version. However, you can switch to the HTML version.

ISPadmin 5.15 beta1

RELEASE DATE: November 12, 2020

Client card: Options Show, Print and Download

  • When you click on one of the Show, Print or Download options in the Client card, the system will behave differently.
  • When you click on the Show option, the file will be displayed in a new browser panel.
  • When you click on the Print option, a window with print settings will appear (in some browsers, a print preview might also be available).
  • When you click on the Download option, the file will be downloaded to your computer (in some browsers, a dialog window might appear in which you have to decide what you want to do next).

Invoice / Cash receipt number check

  • When invoices or cash receipts are issued, the system checks whether the number used is in accordance with the rule Highest number in the invoice group + 1.
  • If the number is not in accordance with the rule, a message appears during the save process that informs the user of the fact. The user can choose whether they want to continue or not.
  • If the user confirms that they want to continue, the invoice or cash receipt with a given number is issued. If not, they can go back to the form.
  • There is a new button Load next to the field for entering an invoice or cash receipt number. Using this button, you can have the system retrieve the number that is in accordance with the rule.

Other devices

  • There is a new tab in the Hardware section of the main menu: Other devices
  • If you do not see this tab in the menu, it will be necessary to check your user account seetings (Settings / Administrators / Administrators) and change them. Go to the Rights for Main menu section and look for Other devices. Check the relevant boxes.
  • To be able to work with Other device cards, it will also be necessary to specify the permission settings in the Rights for Other device card section.
  • If you set everything up, you should be able to see the tab in the menu.
  • The page contains a table with a list of other devices and various options (Add new device, Edit, etc.)
  • When adding a new device, you have to fill in the basic information about the device.
  • If you click on the name of a particular device in the list, you are redirected to the Other device card.
  • The card includes information about the device in question, related tasks, photos, documents, etc.


  • Incomplete links (links that do not have a device on both sides) are highlighted.
  • An incomplete link filter has been added to the map page.
  • Link routes can be modified.
  • Active and inactive links are distinguished. It is possible to filter the displayed links based on their status.
  • In the map (Overview), it is possible to add POPs and links and edit them.
  • Arrows in the map signal from which point and to which point links go.
  • Circular configurations and links within a single device are forbidden.
  • The satellite map has been added.
  • It is possible to create so-called other devices and assign them to individual links.
  • It is also possible to transfer devices in bulk.

POPs for all device types

  • It is now possible to select POPs for all device types.
  • If a particular POP is selected, its data are automatically applied to a given device, which means that it is no longer possible to enter GPS coordinates, address, etc.
  • When the form is being saved, the system performs a check. If the GPS coordinates of the device are about to change as a result of choosing a particular POP, an alert is displayed that informs the user of the fact. The user then has to decide whether they agree with this or not.
  • If a different POP is selected in the device form and the form is saved, the POP setting is also changed in the relevant link settings.
  • If the address, GPS coordinates or location of the POP changes, the change is automatically applied to all the devices in the POP.

SNMP version

  • Settings / Other / SNMP OID: The SNMP version setting has been removed from the the Add/Edit template form. The corresponding column has been removed from the list of templates.
  • Hardware / Settings / Device type: The SNMP version column has been renamed to Default SNMP version. A new setting has been added to the Add/Edit device typ form: SNMP version.
  • Add/Edit device: When you select a particular exact type, the system will automatically set the SNMP version to the one specified in the given device type settings.

SNMP serial retrieval

  • By default, the system retrieves OID data in bulk.
  • Some devices do not support this bulk process. This may lead to graphs not being plotted.
  • You can now check the SNMP serial retrieval checkbox in the form.
  • If you activate this option, the device in question will not use the default method. It will retrieve data step by step.
  • If you are experiencing problems with graph plotting for a particular device, try activating this option. If the cause of the problem is what is described above, the system will start to plot the relevant graph after the activation of the option.

Scheduling labels

  • When adding/editing labels in Settings / Code lists / Labels, you can now check the Scheduling label box.
  • If the box is checked for a particular label, then the label can be used in the Scheduling section.
  • There is a new column in the list of labels: Scheduling label.
  • When you are adding/editing a task, you can choose any labels you want in the Labels setting. Only those labels are offered that are allowed to be used in the Scheduling section.
  • There is a new column in Scheduling / Task list: Labels. The column contains labels chosen in the individual task settings.
  • Labels can be used as a filter in the task list.
  • Labels are included in the CSV export from the page.
  • Label changes are logged in the task history.
  • There is a new column in Scheduling / Report: Labels.
  • Labels are included in the CSV export from the page.

Task categories

  • There is a new setting in the Add/Edit task form: Task category.
  • Using this setting, you can choose whether a given task is Client task, Router task, POP task, Other device task or Unspecified task.
  • The form appearance changes based on the chosen task category. If you select, for example, the Router task option, the Router setting appears. If you select the POP task option, the POP setting appears.
  • In connection with these changes, the API used had to be modified. More information about that will be available in the next update of our Apiary documentation.

Related tasks

  • You can now add a related task not only in the task preview, but also in the task edit form and in the pop-up window in the Calendar.
  • A new section has been added to the task preview: Activities in the related tasks.
  • A new section has been added to the task form: Activities in the related tasks.

Tasks – Bulk actions

  • There is a new tab in the Scheduling section: Bulk action.
  • If you do not see the tab, check your user account settings (Settings / Administrators / Administrators).
  • On this page, you can perform bulk actions with selected tasks.
  • On the left, you can find several filters that you can use to choose the tasks you want.
  • When you click on the magnifying glass icon, a list of relevant tasks appears.
  • On the right, you can select the action you want to perform (Close, Delete, Open or Transfer).
  • If you choose the Close action, open tasks from the list will be closed.
  • If you choose the Delete action, all tasks from the list will be deleted.
  • If you choose the Open action, closed tasks from the list will be opened.
  • If you choose the Transfer action, open tasks from the list will be moved to a different date. The time will remain the same.

Automatic assignment of Client card labels to Helpdesk tickets

  • If a particular label is marked as System label as well as Helpdesk label, then it is possible for the system to automatically assign this Client card label to the tickets of the corresponding client.
  • Helpdesk / Settings / Labels: If both checkboxes mentioned above are checked, another checkbox (Assign to ticket) appears. This checkbox must be checked too.
  • If there are any departmental restrictions, they will be taken into account during the automatic label assignement process.
  • Client card / Information / Edit: Furtermore, it is necessary to choose the relevant label in the client settings (in the Labels item).
  • If all conditions are met, the automatic label assignment will take place when a new ticket is created by the client or user.
  • Example: There is an ABC label in the list of labels. In its settings, the checkboxes System label, Helpdesk label and Assign to ticket are checked. Then, there is a client called John Doe. In his settings, the ABC label is selected. John Doe sends an email to your Helpdesk. A new ticket is created. The email address is matched with the corresponding client. The ABC label from the Client card is assigned to the new ticket.


  • Dashboard / Alerts: There is a new widget in the Dashboard: Newsletters. You can use it to activate our newsletters or hide the widget for a period of 6 months.
  • User settings: You can also (de)activate newsletters in the User settings. To get there, you need to click on the corresponding icon in the top bar.
  • Settings / Administrators / Administrators: To be able to perform these actions, you need to have a valid email address in your user account.
  • Settings / Syst. settings / General: It is also necessary for the system_mail and system_mail_name items to be specified (if necessary).

Dashboard / Finance

  • In the general Dashboard settings (Cogwheels icon beneath the last updated time), you can set up for which month the financial overview data will be displayed: Current month (default setting), Previous month or Month before the previous one.
  • Each individual user can choose a different option.
  • If you do not have permission for the Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices tab, the setting is greyed out, which means that you cannot change it.

Further changes

  • Add/Edit client: The form in the Different address section has been modified.
  • Client card / Information: There is a new section called Matched bank accounts in Invoicing information. This section contains a list of bank accounts assigned to the given client based on manual matching of payments with invoices. These accounts can be deleted.
  • Client card / Active services / Internet: The duplicate MAC address alert has been highlighted.
  • Client card / Active services / Internet: GPON service: Port descriptions are displayed in the Port menu.
  • Client card / Invoicing / Credit note details: The Confirm credit note button was not displayed on the unconfirmed credit note details page. Fixed.
  • Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: At the bottom of the form, the total price excl. VAT, the VAT amount and the total price incl VAT are displayed (if possible).
  • Client card / History: Automatic status and group changes based on issued reminders are now logged in the history.
  • Clients: A new column has been added to all the lists of services and to the corresponding exports: Client ID.
  • Existing clients can now be edited via API.
  • Emails with a new Client portal password creation link are no longer sent via the email queue. Clients will not have to wait for the emails to be delivered.
  • A new system variable has been added to the system: $IPTV_NOTE$.
  • Hardware / Routers / All / Particular router / Edit: For Ubiquiti routers, the QoS performed on the router setting could change automatically from Without QoS to Locally. Fixed.
  • Hardware / Routers / All / Particular device connected to the router / Edit: When the existing settings of a particular device did not match the settings in the relevant code list, an error could appear. Fixed.
  • Hardware / GPON: During data retrieval from an OLT, the ONTs that were found via autofind and that are no longer active on the given OLT are deleted.
  • Hardware / GPON: It is now possible to delete an ONT that is no longer active because it was manually deleted from the corresponding OLT.
  • Hardware / GPON: It is now possible to delete a connection/ONT with an unassigned service and an ONT without a connection.
  • Hardware / GPON / Connections / List: A new column has been added to the table: Service port.
  • Hardware / Switches: The Plus and Minus buttons have been fixed.
  • Hardware / Switches / Particular switch / Settings / Other settings / Remove clients from ports: If no port is selected, a message appears that informs you that it is necessary to select at least one port.
  • Hardware / POPs / All / Particular POP / Edit: The Lessor section has been reworked. Lessor data can be entered manually. If the lessor, however, is listed in the system as one of the contacts, then it is possible to select this contact in the relevant box. In such cases, the rest of the form disappears. The system will automatically use data from the contact details.
  • Hardware / Settings / Device type: Device type has been changed to Device category.
  • Hardware / Settings / Device type: There is a new option in the menu: Internet access. It allows you to specify a device that is used in the context of links as, for example, an entry device for access to the backbone network.
  • Nagios: An alert is displayed on the page that informs the user that Nagios will be deactivated in version 5.18 beta1. Nagios will be replaced with a new outage notification system integrated in ISPadmin.
  • Settings / Contracts / My templates: It is possible to enter the $INT_CONTRACT_NO$ and $CLI_NAME_INVOICING$ system variables into the Template name field. When a new contract is generated based on such a template, the variables are replaced with a contract number specified for a particular Internet service and a client name given in the client invoicing details, and the data appear in the file name.
  • Settings / Code lists / Clients / Client statuses: If the Send report option is enabled for a particular status, reports are automatically sent to the given email even when the specified number of days elapsed from the bulk status change date.
  • Statistics / Server stats / Processes: The smsd process item has been modified.
  • Statistics / Client stats / By connection: The Cable section of the table contains new items.
  • Scheduling / Calendar: If a particular client and service are selected in the task form, information about the selected service is shown in the pop-up window that appears when you hover over a task. If you have permission to access Client card / Active services, a link is added to the service name so that you can click on it and view the Client card tab.
  • Scheduling / Task list / Task preview / Create related task: You are now allowed to create a related task with a pre-filled form from a closed task.
  • Scheduling / Add task: If a particular client and service are selected in the form, a magnifying glass icon appears next to the Service item. If you click on the icon, the Client card / Active services page is displayed. It is necessary to have permission to access this Client card tab.
  • Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices: Generation of invoices with QR codes has been optimized. The result is that the entire process of generating a large number of such invoices takes less time.
  • Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing: PDF files with lists of issued invoices have been modified.
  • Other / Map: If you select a particular router in the Filters section, the AP filter as well as a new checkbox All clients from router group appear. By default, the checkbox is unchecked. If it is unchecked, only the relevant router appears (without related routers). If it is checked, the entire group of related routers appear.
  • Other / Tools / Bulk configuration of Nagios notifications: The form for bulk configuration of Nagios notifications has been modified.
  • Inventory / Inventory: The Quantity column is divided into two columns in the CSV export: Quantity and Unit.
  • Inventory / Cards: The Quantity column is divided into two columns in the CSV exports: Quantity and Unit.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets / Bulk action: A new option has been added to the menu: Mark as unread. Check the relevant boxes, choose this option and confirm the action. The selected tickets will be marked as unread.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: A print option has been added to each individual message (post).
  • Dashboard: Units in the traffic graphs have been fixed.
  • Notification center: In the Read section, there are three new options: Delete notification, Delete selected only and Delete all.