ISPadmin 5.13 stable
RELEASE DATE: August 19, 2020 (updated: October 05, 2020)
Security fix
- Nette upgrade to version 2.4.16 (based on CVE-2020-15227): This is the first serious vulnerability in the Nette framework. The problem is that an attacker could, under certain circumstances, execute code remotely using a special URL. According to our security analysis, ISPadmin 5 was not vulnerable to this security threat. Still, we recommend that you upgrade your system as soon as possible.
Other changes
- Client card / Internet statistics / Data per month / Magnifying glass icon / Graph icon: Redirection after clicking on the Back button has been fixed.
- Client card / Active services / IPTV: When different Invoice from dates are entered for a service and its corresponding tariff, the invoice generation process will take that into account and issue invoices correctly.
- Scheduling / Edit task: Missing labels in the Visible contracts for technicians section have been added to the form.
- Other / Wiki: The error displayed once the backlink expired has been fixed (button Back).
- Other / Tools / Transfer from router to router: Missing labels have been added to the form.
- Dashboard / Finance / Clients with unpaid overdue invoices: Deleted clients have been removed from the list (DELETED items).
ISPadmin 5.13 beta2
RELEASE DATE: August 7, 2020
- Clients / Internet: Sorting by the Speed column: Data is sorted by download speed.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: If a particular AP is selected, the system will offer IP addresses on the AP as well as IP addresses without an AP in the Client IP address setting.
- Client card / Invoicing: Under certain circumstances, the default email address was not saved after an email with an invoice was sent. Fixed.
- Client card / Delete client: An error message displayed during deactivation has been removed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Dashboard: Retrieval of packet sniffer-related data has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: In the compact as well as the standard view, the same time details (Offline, and Last uptime) are shown.
- Hardware / Routers / All: When editing a device connected to a router or a switch, an error message could appear. Fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All /settings / Queue trees: An overwrite problem has been fixed.
- Hardware / Switches: A new filter has been added to the page (similar to the one in the list of routers).
- Hardware / POPs / All: New columns have been added to the page: Open tasks, Online devices and Offline devices.
- Hardware / POPs / All / POP card: A new tab has been added to the menu: Tasks.
- Hardware / Settings / Device type: New device types have been added to the Device type selectbox.
- Statistics / Client stats / By connection: New types of data have been added to the table.
- Invoicing / Settings / General: The Universal XML export documentation link has been fixed.
- In the top bar, the Wiki link has been replaced with a new one. Links to the old Wiki website have been removed.
- The API has been modified to be able to handle tasks with POPs. + Calendar modified.
- The $INT_FLAT_INST$ and $INT_FLOOR_INST$ variables have been fixed.
- New variables for the general service have been added to the system: $UNI_CONTRACT_TYPE$ (Contract type) and $UNI_CONTRACT_LIFETIME$ (Contract valid till).
ISPadmin 5.13 beta1
RELEASE DATE: July 21, 2020
- Widgets can be moved within the space allocated to them.
- Custom settings have been added to some widgets (Incoming SMS messages, High router CPU load , Nagios notifications).
- Sorting options have been added to widgets containing tables.
- In the Overview section, the default sorting of incoming SMS messages has been changed.
- In the Overview section, information about the relevant client (or router) name has been added to individual tasks.
- The Overdue dealer invoices alert has been added to the Alerts section.
- The Alerts section is now displayed after login instead of the original page with alerts.
- Three new widgets have been added to the Network section: MikroTik – Overview, MikroTik – Basic services and MikroTik – Other services. All these widgets contain links to the relevant sections of the system.
- The router monitoring feature has been added to the Network section.
- In the System section, data rendering in the widgets has been modified.
- The Line traffic and the CPU load graphs have been added to the System section. Also included is information about disk usage.
- A new tab Services has been added to the sidebar. The section contains information about services from the Clients / Home page.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: Permissions for moving tickets between departments have been modified. If a particular move is not allowed by the system (due to insufficient permissions), a message will appear.
- Heldpesk / Tickets: If you click through to the ticket details, any related notifications will be automatically marked as read.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: The icon used for cancelling a particular filter (cross) in the table header has been highlighted for easier orientation in the ticket list.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: An Edit subject option has been added to the page.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: Tab descriptions in the browser now contain information about ticket number and subject.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: Information about attachment size has been added to individual attachments.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: If the Cc or the Bcc field is filled in, both fields are automatically displayed. You do not have to click on the button to have them displayed.
- Helpdesk / Settings / Department: The saving process has been modified.
- System notifications: Notifications in the system now include further details about the relevant tickets (From + Subject). This way, you know immediately what each notification is about.
- Email notifications: Email notifications now contain the relevant email body text.
- Email notifications: Notification email headers have been modified to include information about the user or client whose action led to the creation of a given notification. This information can be seen directly in the list of emails in your email client.
- Settings / Other / SNMP OID: The SNMP template form has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The SNMP template setting in the configuration of devices connected to routers has been modified. Templates to be used can now be selected from the relevant field. The exact type setting is no longer taken into account.
- New SNMP graphs have been added.
- Graph settings have been added to individual graphs. If you click on the cog wheel icon, options will appear (y-axes, lines).
- An option to download a graph as an image has been added to the individual graphs.
- The graph zoom feature has been modified: You can now select a particular portion of a graph. You can activate the auto zoom feature by clicking on the Automatic zoom button. You can cancel the auto zoom feature by clicking on the Cancel zoom button.
- A graph rendering issue on mobile devices has been fixed.
- POP settings have been moved from Settings / Code lists / POPs to Hardware / POPs / All.
- On the page, you can see a list of POPs along with basic information about them.
- You can add, edit and delete individual POPs. You can also view them on the map.
- When you click on the name of a particular POP, you will be redirected to the POP card, which contains overviews with contacts, photos, devices, contracts, Inventory items and documents related to the given POP.
- You can add photos, contracts, Inventory items and documents to individual POPs.
- You can have the system generate a contract based on the selected template (including system variables) or you can upload an already created contract.
- The overview from Hardware / Overview has been moved to Hardware / POPs / Overview.
Additional invoice item text
- There is a new field Additional invoice item text in the settings of all types of services with the exception of the General service.
- Then, there is a new variable $INVOICE_ITEM_TEXT$, which you can use in the Description on invoice field in the active service settings in Settings / Active services / General.
- If you have entered a short additional text in the active service settings in the Client card and entered the variable in the settings of the corresponding service type, an invoice item will appear on invoices that contains what you entered into the given field in the service settings.
- You can put the variable anywhere within the description. However, bear in mind that the last place is always reserved for the invoiced period generated by the system.
Bulk invoice generation
- We have incorporated into the bulk invoice generation process a new mechanism that prevents any potential negative invoices from being issued.
- If, for example, a user adds (for some reason) a negative pending item to the list in the Client card, it could lead to the creation of a negative invoice (a combination of service prices, discounts and negative pending items).
- The system finds such invoices during generation and skips them.
- Then, it displays a list of clients to whom invoices could not be issued for that reason.
- You can click on the individual clients. Once you do that, you are redirected to their Client card, where you can check the invoiced items.
- You can make the necessary changes based on this information.
- We have incorporated into the bulk invoice generation process a further improvement that prevents completely null invoices from being issued.
- By that, we do not mean that all invoices with a total of zero will not be issued. We are referring here specifically to invoices containing only null items.
- In such cases, it makes no sense to issue an invoice.
- The system finds such invoices during generation and skips them.
- Then, it displays a list of clients to whom invoices could not be issued for that reason.
- You can click on the individual clients. Once you do that, you are redirected to their Client card, where you can check the invoiced items.
- Reminder templates: If you set the Minimum debt amount per invoice required for a reminder to be sent item to 0, it meant that the system took into account the default setting from the general invoicing settings (request_for_pay_min_amount).
- After the change in this version, the value from the request_for_pay_min_amount setting will no longer be taken into account in such cases. That means that if you enter 0 into the form, the system will generate reminders for all invoices (no matter how high the debt is).
- In the Technicians section in the sidebar, technicians that are to be displayed and technicians that are not to be displayed are now readily distinguishable from one another.
- The Information section has been removed.
- Information from that section has been transferred to the Settings section, where it can be displayed (if necessary) in a pop-up window.
- In the Settings section, a new checkbox has been added that allows you to enable/disable the existing form of navigation in the Calendar.
- If the box is checked, navigation within the Calendar will be the same as before.
- If the box is not checked, navigation within the Calendar will be the same as navigation in the rest of the system (vertical or horizontal moves).
- The box is checked by default, but you can change the setting for each individual user.
- Since most tasks start and end within a single day, we have changed the way the end date and time is entered.
- Before the change, it was necessary to select a particular day and then a particular time.
- Now you have to select a particular time only.
- If you need to select a different day, it is still possible.
- You need to click on the predefined date in the window and change it.
Time spent
- When adding a new activity to a task, you can now enter the time spent in hours and minutes. That will allow you to enter a more precise value.
- Before the change, you could enter the time spent in hours only.
- If a user needed 90 minutes to finish the activity, they entered 1.5 into the Hours field. Now they have to enter 1 into the Hours field and 30 into the Minutes field.
- If a user needed 30 minutes to finish the activity, they entered 0.5 into the Hours field. Now they have to enter 30 into the Minutes field.
- If a user needed 60 minutes to finish the activity, they entered 1 into the Hours field. Now they have to enter 1 into the Hours field, too.
- The format of the time spent has been changed in all the relevant overviews (h:min).
Work report
- Scheduling / Report: Before the change, only completely finished (closed) tasks appeared on this page. Now even tasks that are not closed may appear here (if there is an activity added to the task).
- In connection with that change, a change also occurred in tasks that span several periods. Formerly, such tasks appeared in the period when the last activity took place. Now they will appear in all the relavant periods (for example: part of the task in one month and part of the task in another month) along with the corresponding time spent and price values.
- When the time spent and price values are calculated for tasks with multiple technicians (users), individual activities that are linked to particular users are taken into account. When a task is closed, no further calculation takes place.
- If you check the Delete service automatically when cancellation date is over box, you can also choose a new status for the given client.
- If no status is chosen, no change will occur. Everything thus works the same way as it did before.
- If a particular status is chosen, the service in question will be deleted and the status will be changed to the chosen (different) one.
- All changes are logged in the history.
List of dealer commissions
- In Settings / Administrators / Dealers / Show statistics / List of commissions, you can find a list of a particular dealer’s commissions.
- You can use the Service type and the Commission type filters.
- If you select a particular service type in the Service type filter, it is not possible to use the Commission type, because the commission type is always Recurring in such cases.
- If you select the One-off option in the Commission type filter, it is not possible to use the Service typefilter (for the same reason).
- The fulltext search feature looks for matches in service name, service ID, client name and commission.
- Data can be sorted by the Client column or the Commission type column.
Further changes
- Clients/ Internet: The Group column has been added to the table and export.
- Clients/ Internet: A new option Active flat rate has been added to the Details filter. You can use this option if you want to see only Internet services with a flat rate.
- Client card / Information / Send configuration via email: If the NAT IP item in the Internet service settings is filled in, the value will appear in the service configuration PDF file that is sent from this page.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: The fixed discount check now takes into account even subordinate services or additional IP addresses.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: Buttons for (de)activation of ping graphs in the Client portal have been added to the individual services in the list of Internet services. To be able to use these buttons, you need to have the permission for editing active services.
- Client card / Active services / General service: New contract-related items (type, period) have been added to the form. A new column Contract period until has been added to the overview of general services.
- Client card / Active services / General service: You can now enter an Invoice to date in the form.
- Client card / Active services / Transfer: An alert has been added to the form that will appear if the service to be transferred has already been invoiced for another period.
- Client card / Active services / Transfer: You can transfer an IPTV service of the general type from one client to another.
- Client card / Cancellations: A new column Document has been added to the table. If there is a document attached to a particular cancellation, its name will appear in the column along with a download link.
- Client card / Contracts: The Send contract to client icon changes its appearance depending on whether the contract has been sent or not. If it has been sent, you can see the date when you hover over the icon.
- Client card / Delete client: The Back button has been removed. If you decide that you do not want to deactivate or delete a given client, all you have to do is move to another tab in the Client card.
- Hardware / Routers / All: A new filter Emergency mode has been added to the page. If you click on it, the system will show you only those routers that are in this mode.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The Minutes selectbox in the Router restart section has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi links: Link descriptions from the list have been added to the corresponding link details pages (above the displayed graphs).
- Settings / Code lists / Nagios / Contacts: When a contact or a group of contacts are deleted, the system will force Nagios to update its configuration.
- Statistics / Client stats / By connection: New types of data have been added to the table.
- Statistics / WiFi list: Conditions for including devices in this list have been modified.
- Invoicing: Conditions for including discount item dates on invoices have been modified.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Accounting overview: The Invoice group column has been added to the table and export.
- Invoicing / Bank / Import / Discarded payments: The fulltext search feature now looks for matches in all the columns in the table. Sorting by individual columns is also possible.
- Invoicing / Bank / Email: The fulltext search feature now searches for matches even in the Recipient column.
- Invoicing / Settings / General: It is now possible to delete the values entered in the proforma_mail_copy item and the reminder_mail_copy item.
- We have added an $INVOICED_PERIOD$ variable to the Invoice sending section in the list of system variables. You can use this variable when sending invoices.
- Dealer portal: An invoice deletion issue has been fixed.