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5.32 stable – build 05/04/2024 13:20
- Client card / Statistics: The maximum number of displayed services limit has been removed.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing / By period: The display of filtered invoices has been fixed.
5.32 stable – build 27/03/2024 08:44
- The retrieval of the latest RouterOS version has been fixed (widget MikroTik – Overview in Dashboard and in Hardware / Routers / Router status / Dashboard).
5.32 stable – build 21/03/2024 13:56
- Hardware / Routers / RADIUS / Failed authentication: Page data retrieval has been optimized.
- Responsivity issues related to the new menu have been fixed.
5.32 beta2 – build 14/03/2024 15:18
Two-factor authentication for system users
- Settings / Administrators / Administrators: In the 2FA column, you can specify which user is supposed to log in using 2FA (TOTP).
- User settings (top panel): Here the user can set up the feature.
- During login, the user is asked to enter a security code.
- The security code is valid for a limited time only. The number of attempts is limited too.
Changes related to the new menu
- On the left side of the header, you can find information about the license holder and about the number of licenses. The information may get hidden depending on the available resolution.
- Information about the installed and latest versions can now be found under the info icon in the header. If your version is not up to date, the icon includes a red or orange dot.
- The original Wiki icon has been changed to the book icon.
- Hardware / Routers / All: A page rendition issue has been fixed.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: A page rendition issue has been fixed.
Distance-based filtering in the overview of routers
- Hardware / Routers / All
- A new option has been added to the filters on the page: Distance.
- When you check the box, you can select a maximum distance for which routers are to be found.
- When you select a particular value, click on Search.
- The relevant routers are displayed based on the specified maximum distance.
- Each router contains information about the calculated distance from the current location.
Further changes:
- Clients / Services: The fulltext feature has been modified to handle clients with null client numbers correctly.
- Client card / Internet statistics: The display of cable modem amplifier graphs has been fixed.
- Setttings / Tariffs / Internet: A new option has been added to the filters in the Service type section: No service type.
- Settings / Other / Email templates: Sorting has been added to the relevant columns.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details: The Client information window that appears when you hover over the icon next to the assigned client newly contains information about the client’s invoice group.
5.32 beta1 – build 04/03/2024 12:23
- Client card / Information: The restore client permission has been fixed.
- Client card / Statistics: A graph loading issue has been fixed.
- Client card / Statistics: The display of offline time next to the client MAC address has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All: A router configuration update issue has been fixed.
5.32 beta1 – build 29/02/2024 15:13
New menus
- The original main menu was horizontal and was located at the top of the screen. The new main menu is vertical and is located on the left side of the screen.
- The new menu is selected as default. You can change the menu to the original one for a limited period of time (until version 5.33 beta1): User settings in the top panel / Appearance settings tab / Main menu type setting.
- The new main menu can be minimized or maximized, which means that you can view more or less page content (according to your needs).
- Also reworked are the menus in the Client card, POP card, Other device card and User settings. The original sidebars have been replaced with horizontal menus.
- Client card: The individual tabs in the menu are ordered differently. Several descriptions have been changed. The Delete client / Restore client options are no longer part of the menu. You can find them in the Information tab. You need to click on the Further actions option.
- User settings / Appearance settings: You can choose whether you want the last visited page to be displayed when you click on a particular tab in the menu (Open the last visited page in a section).
- Further changes in the rendition of pages will be performed once the switch to the new menus has been completed.
Further changes
- Clients / Services: A new column has been added to the individual lists of services: Service ID. You can use the fulltext feature to find a particular service ID.
- Clients / Services / General service: Export generation has been fixed.
- Client card / Services: If a router is changed in the Internet service settings, the change is now also applied to the additional IP addresses associated with the service.
- Client card / Statistics: The page has been optimized for displaying larger amounts of data.
- Client card / Statistics: The control type check for ping graphs has been removed.
- The format of emails about changes in client statuses has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: If you change the router type to another one, the data not supported by the new type will be deleted.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Dashboard: The sorting of firmware versions in the table has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Routers: PDF and CSV export options have been added to the page. The export contents can be specified in the page settings (grey icon with three white lines). The export options can be enabled/disabled for individual users in their user account settings (Settings / Administrators / Administrators).
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Routers: If you select the Change service configuration bulk action for MikroTik routers and then the Change port option in the settings, a new checkbox appears for the API, API-SSL and SSH services : Change the port in the router settings in the system too. This way, you can specify whether the change is to be applied to the router settings in the system too.
- Hardware / Settings / NetMonitor / Templates: In the template settings, you can use newly added buttons next to the individual variables to insert the variables into the text field (at the cursor position).
- Settings / Syst. settings / Backups: The backup password settings have been moved from the Local system backup section to the new Common backup settings section.
- Settings / Other / Email templates: A column with item numbering has been added to the table.
- Scheduling / Task list: New filters have been added to the page: Creation date from, Creation date to, Client, Service, Router, POP and Other device.
- Scheduling / Report: The page has been completely reworked. The page settings have been added. The overviews now contain even tasks that are defined as tasks without activities (for example: holidays).
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing / By period and By group: An error could occur after clicking on the List of invoices option in the menu at the end of the individual rows. Fixed.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Payments: The table has been reworked. A new column has been added to the table: Cash payment note. The filters and the fulltext feature have been improved.
- Other / Tools / Duplicate MAC addresses: If an unallowed character was encountered during page load, an error could occur. Fixed.
- Dashboard: Dashboard optimization has been performed. Page load times have been reduced.
- SMS character conversion has been modified.