ISPadmin 5.26
30. 11. 2022
For security and service reliability reasons, we have recently moved all our servers to our own range of IP addresses. This led to a change in the IP address of the license server that is used for license verification.
The system modification that takes this change into account is included in version 5.26 stable.
Please upgrade your system to that version by 31 January 2023. If the upgrade is not performed by that date, your system will no longer be correctly verified by the server and the system will display a license verification issue alert.
5.26 stable – build 30/01/2023 10:39
- Client card / Documents: The document download option has been fixed.
5.26 stable – build 26/01/2023 10:18
- Client card / Active services: The slow loading of the Internet service form has been fixed.
5.26 stable – build 23/01/2023 12:15
- A graph display issue has been fixed.
5.26 stable – build 16/01/2023 10:57
- The display of routers after a click-through to Router status has been fixed.
5.26 stable – build 11/01/2023 16:41
- Client card / Tasks: An error could appear when entering the Change task form. Fixed.
- Clients / Statistics / By connection: New values have been added to the table.
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: An error could appear when saving the Edit tariff form. Fixed.
- Settings / Administrators / Mikrotik login / Groups: The individual policies are set up only if a given ROS version supports them.
- Settings / Code lists / Clients / Service types: A new setting has been added to the form: VHCN category.
- Dashboard / Network: In the MikroTik – Basic services widget, the retrieval of values for the Without IP restriction column has been modified (services with no IP as well as services with IP are included). The retrieval of values for the With IP restriction column has also been modified. The same changes have been applied to the page Hardware / Routers / Router status / Dashboard.
5.26 beta2 – build 20/12/2022 10:53
- Helpdesk: A new ticket notification issue has been fixed.
5.26 beta2 – build 19/12/2022 08:45
- A router configuration update problem has been fixed (GPON service in combination with simple queue).
5.26 beta2 – build 15/12/2022 16:04
- Client card / Internet statistics: The sent/received data statistics for GPON services have been fixed.
- Client card / Active services: On the Internet service form, the retrieval of switches on the subordinate routers for the Switch setting has been fixed.
- Client card / Active services: On the Internet service form, the display of available addresses on the router in the IPv6 networks section has been fixed.
- Client card / Documents / Create new document: The Service menu has been reworked.
- Scheduling / Add task: A datetime error has been fixed.
- Scheduling / Task list: A new filter has been added to the page: Category. You can use this filter to view tasks belonging to a particular category or to no category at all.
- Hardware / Settings / Device type: A new device category has been added to the list: Microwave 11 GHz.
- Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / Optional buttons: Two new checkboxes have been added to the form: Show in the menu after login and Show on the login page. You can use them to specify whether a given button is to be displayed in the menu after login, on the login page or both.
- The automatic transfer of unspecified tasks created from requests has been fixed.
5.26 beta1 – build 06/12/2022 12:19
- Client card / Active services: Manual router update for Internet services has been fixed.
- Client card / Invoicing: The system behavior in the case of cash receipt cancellation has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The name check for devices connected to routers has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: If the user had clicked through to the list of routers, the FW, QoS and Parent links did not work. Fixed.
- Hardware / NetMonitor: When an invalid or no JSON response is returned from NetMonitor, NetMonitor is restarted.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview: A new option has been added to the page: Do not show the menu on the page.
- Scheduling / Calendar: In task pop-up windows, related tasks are displayed along with previews of their last activities.
5.26 beta1 – build 30/11/2022 15:23
General service items in documents
- If you want to add general service items to documents, you can now add the $UNIVERSAL_ITEM[COLUMN][NUMBER]$ variable to document templates.
- If a particular general service is selected on the Create new document form, a blue box appears beneath the form. The box contains information about the variable and its use. There is also a list of items that allows you to choose which items you want to use in the document and in what order.
List of devices in the POP with files
- POP card / Files: Beneath the POP files, you can find a list of devices in the POP that have at least one file.
- In the Action column, you can click on the available button that will take you to the overview of files of a given device.
Assignment of users to tasks
- The Users section of the task form has been reworked.
- Users can be added and removed easily within a single element.
- Contact details are included for the individual users.
- In the menu, you can see icons that indicate whether users have a task scheduled for the given time period or not.
- User timelines can be shown or hidden. Default setting: scheduling_auto_open_timetables in Settings / Syst. settings / Scheduling.
Further changes
- Client card / Information: Automatic checks on the page run in the background. As a result, you can move to another tab sooner.
- Client card / Information: An encoding error has been fixed.
- Client card / Internet statistics: A link to the particular router has been added to the WIFI card.
- Client card / Active services: When the GPON service form is saved, automatic OLT update is launched in the relevant cases. The modal window containing the output can be displayed by clicking on the icon in the blue system message.
- Client card / Documents: A new button has been added to the page: Upload document. You can use this feature, for example, to upload scanned documents to the Documents section. Support for further formats has been added.
- Clients / Services / VoIP / VoIP: The Bulk action option has been added to the table.
- Clients / Services / General service: The Bulk action option has been added to the table.
- Clients / Requests: The delete option has been added to individual items.
- Clients / Requests: The default sorting has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi list: The page has been completely rewritten.
- Hardware / GPON / ONT: An add ONT error has been fixed.
- Hardware / Switches: VLAN IDs for trunk ports are now retrieved.
- Hardware / POPs / Access points: The maximum number of characters for the Name field has been increased.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview: In the List of offline devices table settings, you can choose which columns are to be displayed.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview: You can also change the order of the columns in the List of offline devices table using the arrows.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview: Devices that have child devices are highlighted in the List of offline devices table.
- The links in Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview, Hardware / POPs / Overview / Network diagram and the List of offline devices widget in Dashboard have been unified.
- POP card / Documents / Upload document: Support for further formats has been added.
- The creation of groups during MikroTik RADIUS login has been modified.
- The calculation of the number of clients connected to Cambium APs has been modfied.
- Scheduling / Calendar: The rendition of the new calendar has been modified for higher resolution.
- Scheduling / Calendar: A new button has been added to the new calendar: Tomorrow.
- Helpdesk: Helpdesk replies contain a link to the Client portal.
- FlowPRO: Email notifications about an incorrect source protocol setting have been added to the system.
- If a GSM gateway connected to the server is used, the system can add unsent SMS messages automatically to the queue again.
- The feature that is used for automatic assignment of access points to Internet services has been fixed.