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5.27 stable – build 18/05/2023 11:52
- UDH SMS message processing has been modified.
5.27 stable – build 29/03/2023 09:44
- Some of the SMS gateway SMPP settings were not applied. Fixed.
5.27 stable – build 28/03/2023 14:11
- A new certificate for iOS notifications has been added to the system. The existing one expires on April 22, 2023.
5.27 stable – build 24/03/2023 13:20
- An issue with emails containing my @ip6 has been fixed.
- SDI-related modifications (IT localization)
5.27 stable – build 23/03/2023 14:47
- Client card / Information / Send email: The way the cancellation-related variables in templates are handled has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: It is now possible to activate RADIUS for routers of the Not set type.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The application of address lists to routers after master reset has been fixed.
- Hardware: Duplicate alert sending has been fixed.
- Helpdesk: The downloading of emails via the Microsoft API could get stuck if an email did not contain a subject. Fixed.
5.27 beta2 – build 21/03/2023 15:07
- Invoicing / Settings / Templates / Reminders: An edit template error has been fixed.
5.27 beta2 – build 16/03/2023 15:17
- Client card / Active services / Additional IP addresses: The type setting according to the parent service has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi status: The display of dots on the page has been fixed. + When the corresponding command is initiated, the process is launched in a new window.
- Settings / IP pools / IP pool NAT: If the first IP position is set to 0, a message appears on the edit form that informs you of a change in the system behavior related to the offering of IP addresses in the Internet service settings. When the form is saved, this change is applied to the given IP pool NAT.
- Scheduling: Splitting of SMS notifications for upcoming tasks has been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 09/03/2023 14:28
- A backup issue has been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 09/03/2023 10:08
- An incoming SMS message duplication issue has been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 04/03/2023 00:28
- NetMonitor notifications have been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 03/03/2023 08:18
- Client card / Active services: The IPTV service form has been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 01/03/2023 18:38
- An SMS gateway import-related error during system upgrade has been fixed.
5.27 beta1 – build 28/02/2023 13:45
System alerts
- The Alerts tab has been removed from the Dashboard.
- System alerts are now displayed in the Notification center. To get there, you need to click on the bell in the top panel.
- System alerts are automatically displayed once the user logs into the system.
- System alerts can be hidden for a specified period of time if the system allows that. When an alert is hidden, the action is logged.
- System alerts are divided into a few categories based on severity.
- Some system alerts contain links to the relevant widgets.
- It is possible to specify which types of system alerts are to be displayed in the System alerts settings tab in the User settings.
Electronic signatures and Contract returned
- Client card / Documents / Create new document
- If you select a template on the form that requires a client signature, a new checkbox appears: Check the Contract returned box and fill in the date once the client has signed.
- If the box is checked and the document is then signed (client signature in the Client portal, signature on behalf of the client in the Client card, switch to the handwritten signature), the Contract returned checkbox gets checked and the current date is entered into the field next to it.
- If there is already a value in the field, it is overwritten.
Device categories
- Hardware / Settings / Device categories
- You can add your own device categories to the system.
- System categories cannot be edited or deleted.
File transfer between devices
- You can move files between routers, POPs and so-called other devices.
- When you get to the list of files on a particular device, you can use the available buttons for file transfer.
- When you click on such a button, you are redirected to a table in which you choose where to move the file.
SMS gateway settings
- Settings / Syst. settings / SMS
- SMS gateways: This page allows you to add, edit and delete SMS gateways. In the settings, you can specify a gateway type and then complete all the required items on the form. One of the gateways can be chosen as default.
- Configuration: This page contains a list of predefined SMS sources for which you can specify priorities. You can also (de)activate SMS sending globally or for one particular source. You can choose one or more gateways to be used for each source. If there is more than one gateway, you can activate cyclical SMS sending via the specified gateways.
- You can set up permissions for the above-mentioned pages in the user account settings (Settings / Administrators / Administrators).
Profile pictures
- Settings / Administrators / Administrators
- In the Personal data section, you can upload a profile picture for the user.
- With the help of the Permission to change profile picture checkbox, you can specify whether the user is allowed to change their profile picture in the User settings (in the top panel).
- The picture is displayed in the Users selectbox on the task form and in the ticket message notes.
Default invoice group
- Invoicing / Settings / General
- You can use the default_invoice_group setting to specify the default invoice group that is to be used when a new client is added to the system.
- If you choose option 0, the system behaves the same way it did before: The default invoice group is set according to the invoice group of the last added client.
- If you choose option 1, the system does not preset any invoice group, so you need to choose one yourself.
E-invoices – SDI (IT localization)
- Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups: When you click on the button in the last column, a menu appears in which you can click on the E-invoice settings (SDI) option. There you can set the system up for the given invoice group.
- Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices: If the invoice group is set up, you can go to this tab, select the group and click on the button in the last column of the table. One of the options is SDI Export. When you click on it, a form appears that allows you to create a ZIP file containing the relevant XML files.
Ticket statuses in the Client portal
- Client portal / Helpdesk
- A new column has been added to the table: Status.
- Two values can appear in the column: Resolved and Unresolved.
- Resolved = The ticket has been asssigned a status in the system that marks tickets as closed.
- Unresolved = The ticket has not been asssigned a status in the system that marks tickets as closed.
Further changes
- Client card / Information and Active services: Handling of inserted GPS coordinates has been modified.
- Client card / Active services: Checks have been added for the values in the VAT rate % and Quantity columns of the general service items form.
- Client card / Cancellations and Documents: Retrieval of values for the cancellation-related variables has been modified.
- Client portal / Services: Display of currency has been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All: In the router settings, you can now check the Https in the link box. When it is checked, the system adds https:// to the beginning of the link in the overview.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Routers: Links from the Online WiFi column have been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / RADIUS / Access log: Sorting by time has been fixed.
- Hardware / GPON / ONT: A new option is available in the table: Remove from OLT including service ports. The user needs to have the Remove non-system ONTs permission for the given page allowed in their user account settings.
- Hardware / POPs / Overview / Map: When switching to some other pages, the content did not reload. Fixed.
- Settings / Other / SNMP OID: The Test SNMP template option has been added to each template.
- Settings / IP pools / IP pool NAT: Links to the details pages are available for used, free as well as all IP addresses. On the details pages, you can now sort items also by IP address.
- Scheduling / Task list: When the Task start from and Task start to filters are used, the results now include even tasks with an unspecified time.
- Invoicing / Invoices / Time period / By period: When the Show statistics for individual services checkbox is checked, a CSV export is available that contains data broken down by accounting codes.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing / By groups: When the Show statistics for individual services checkbox is checked, a CSV export is available that contains data broken down by accounting codes.
- Other / Map: When switching to some other pages, the content did not reload. Fixed.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: The ticket details page has been reworked.
- Helpdesk / Settings / Department: In the automatic reply text, you can now use new variables: $TICKET_CREATION_DATE$ (Ticket creation date) and $TICKET_CREATION_TIME$ (Ticket creation time).
- FlowPRO: Automatic data deletion is now performed even for inactive sources.