ISPadmin 5.11 stable
RELEASE DATE: May 6, 2020
We would like to inform you that due to substantial database modifications, the upgrade to the new version might take a lot longer than you are used to! It might take up to an hour in the case of installations with the most data. Please schedule the upgrade accordingly.
- Client card / Active services: Restore deleted service error fixed
- Client card / Active services / General service: Problem with items added from templates fixed
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: Copy tariff error fixed
- Scheduling / Task list: Task counter displayed at the bottom of the page fixed
- Helpdesk / Settings / Department: Information added to the form about what will happen once the form is saved
ISPadmin 5.11 beta3
RELEASE DATE: April 29, 2020
- Client card / Helpdesk / Create ticket: Autofill feature fixed
- Client card / Invoicing / Invoice details / Issue credit note: Form modified
- Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: The default blank row in the Other invoice items section remains visible after page refresh.
- Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: A user-defined invoice number is overwritten only if the supplier has been changed.
- Traffic graphs fixed
- Settings / Syst. settings / CATV / Modem templ.: Pagination issues in the list of services fixed
- Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups: Logo and stamp validator added
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing / By period: List of issued invoices for VAT export modified
- Invoicing / Overviews / Payments: Server Error fixed
- Inventory / Cards: Item group and type added to the title of the individual cards
ISPadmin 5.11 beta2
RELEASE DATE: April 23, 2020
- Client card / Information / CP password: Several conditions must be met for the Send a Create new password email to the client feature to work. If at least one of them is not met, it is not possible to check the corresponding checkbox. Moreover, below the option, a list is displayed of things that need to be resolved first.
- Client card / Information / Send email: Processing of system variables linked to a particular service modified
- Client card / Information / Send configuration via email: Server error fixed
- Client card / Active services / Particular Internet service / Data transferred / Daily view: Data display issue fixed
- Client card / Active services / Particular IPTV service: The user PINs for the individual set-top boxes are now displayed in the service overview.
- Client card / Active services / Particular IPTV service: The available IP address window did not appear in the process of adding a set-top box. Fixed.
- Client card / Contracts / Send contract to client: The text from the selected template was not copied to the email body. Fixed.
- Client card / Invoicing / Invoice details / Edit invoice: Form modified
- Clients: CSV export generation modified
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: Information about the selected tariff type added to the corresponding column in the list
- Settings / IP pools / IP pool NAT / Add IP pool: Form reworked
- Scheduling / Task list: Long loading times issue fixed
- Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices: Universal XML export fixed
- Other / Bulk / Email: IPTV type filter fixed
- Helpdesk / Tickets: The Fulltext field and button are now fully visible on the screen. You do not have to use the horizontal scrollbar.
ISPadmin 5.11 beta1
RELEASE DATE: April 14, 2020
Client portal passwords
- During upgrade to version 5.11 beta 1, client passwords are regenerated, which is why we strongly recommend that you do not downgrade to version 5.10 stable. If you do so, your clients will not be able to log in to their Client portal!
- You cannot view or edit Client portal passwords anymore. You cannot use the system variable $CLI_PASSWORD$ either (no password will appear in place of the variable).
- There is a new button CP password in Client card / Information.
- If you click on it, you will be taken to a page with two options (checkboxes): Change password and Send a Create new password email to the client.
- If you check the Change password box, a field with a randomly generated password will appear.
- You can generate a different password using the Generate password button. You can also enter a password created by you, but the password must meet the minimum length requirement specified in the ci_client_password_min_length item in Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / General.
- You can use this option, for example, when dealing with clients with no email address. You can tell them the password over the phone or by another means. They will have to change it on first login.
- If you check the Send a Create new password email to the client box, the system will send the client an email with a link for creating a new password.
- This checkbox can be checked only if the Email field in the Client card contains an email address and if a particular email template has been chosen as the default one for the New CP password action.
- There is one more new button in Client card / Information: Open CP.
- You can log in to the Client portal using this button.
- All such logins are logged in the history of a given client.
- If a client forgets their Client portal password and asks for a password reset, an email with a special link will automatically be sent to their email address. They can use that link to reset their password.
- The link is valid for 48 hours.
- If no email address is entered in the client details, they are not allowed to send the request.
- A message appears. Consequently, they will have to contact you, for example, by phone.
- As already mentioned above, you can generate a random password for them in the system.
- If this happens, the client in question is forced to change the password to a differnet one on first login (for security reasons).
- In the email template settings (Settings / Other / Email templates), you can specify the default template for situations like this (New CP password).
- The template has to contain the following text: $CI_PASSWORD_LINK$. That text will always be replaced with a link generated by the system.
- If the ci_url item in Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / General is filled in, the link will be created based on the address entered. Use the full form (including https).
- Otherwise, the link will be created based on the value entered in the ispadmin_server item in Settings / Syst. settings / General. The system will add /clientinterface/ to the value entered.
Individual email and SMS template settings
- In Settings / Other / Email templates and SMS templates, you can add, edit and delete email and SMS templates and assign these templates to specific automatic actions.
- In Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups, you can now specify individual template settings for each invoice group.
- If you click on the blue button at the end of a row, a menu will apppear. That menu will contain two new options: Email templates and SMS templates.
- If you click on either of the two options, a table will appear that is very similar to the one you know from Settings / Other / Email templates or SMS templates.
- There is an additional column here: Visibility. You can use this option to choose those templates that are supposed to be visible in the relevant select boxes during email/SMS sending.
- All the individual configurations contain the same templates as the global configuration.
- Changes made to the global configuration are reflected in the individual configurations.
- Templates that are assigned to at least one automatic action cannot be made invisible.
- If a template is assigned to a particular automatic action based on the global configuration, the letter S appears next to the relevant check mark.
- If there is no such letter, it means that the setting in question is purely individual and does not take the global configuration into account.
- You can cancel such an individual setting by clicking on the corresponding check mark.
- If
you do that, the setting is no longer an individual setting. It has
automatically switched back to the global setting. The default template
for a given action is thus the same template as the one specified in the
global configuration.
Related tasks (Task copies)
- There is a new button Create related task in the task preview.
- If you click on this button, a window will appear in which you can choose between two options: Create a related task without a prefilled form or Create a related task with a prefilled form.
- If you choose the first option, you will be redirected to a blank form.
- If you choose the second option, you will be redirected to a form that is prefilled with data from the original task. Bear in mind that Documents and Previous activities will not be copied to the new task.
- An option to view related tasks has been added to each task in the Task list.
- If you click on Show related tasks, a window will appear in which you can see a list of all related tasks.
- Each such task contains a link which you can use if you want to get to the preview of that task.
- The task preview also offers information about whether there are any existing related tasks.
Tariff history
- Tariff settings changes are now be logged in the system.
- Each tariff in the list has its own icon that you can use to view the history of the changes made to the tariff settings.
- If you click on the icon, you will be taken to a list of notes.
- Each note contains your own description of the changes made.
- If you click on the note, a list of the changes made will appear.
- You will see the note field in the form only when you are editing a given tariff.
- The note is a required item. If you do not enter a note, you will not be able to save the form.
- If you have not made any changes to the settings, but you have entered a note into the field provided, nothing will appear in the tariff history because no change to the tariff settings has been made.
Recurring tasks
- Several new settings have been added to the Add/Edit task form. All of them have to do with recurring taks.
- The first one is the Recurring task checkbox. If you check this box, further settings will appear: Repeat interval and Repeat until.
- In the Repeat interval setting, you can select weekly, monthly, half-yearly or yearly intervals.
- In the Repeat until setting, you can specify until when a given task is to be repeated. Default setting: Unlimited.
- The system will not allow you to enter a date that does not meet the following condition: At least one repetition within a specified time frame must be possible. If you enter a date that does not meet this condition, the system will automatically change it to the earliest date that does.
- Once you save the task, you can see the corresponding recurring events in the Calendar.
- If you modify the original task, all the recurring instances of this task will be automatically modified as well.
- If you delete the original task, all the recurring instances will be deleted as well.
- When you click on a particular recurring event in the Calendar, you will be taken to a page where you can make any changes you want and then save them.
- When saving the task, you will have to choose whether you want the changes to be applied to this task only or to this task and all the following ones (Apply the changes to this task only or Apply the changes to this task and all the following ones).
- If you choose the Apply the changes to this task only option, a new task will be created and removed from the repetition series.
- If you choose the Apply the changes to this task and all the following ones option, a new task will be created, starting a new repetition series.
Helpdesk: Incoming email parser rules
- Helpdesk / Settings / Parser / Rules:On this page, you can add, edit and delete incoming email parser rules.
- If you cannot see this tab in the menu, check your account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
- If you click on the Add button, a form will appear in which you can specify a parser rule.
- Enter a rule name into the first field.
- In the next setting, you can choose whether you want to stop the processing of the following rules after this one has been processed.
- If you choose Yes, the following rules will not be processed.
- If you choose No, the parser will proceed to the next rule.
- In the Criteria section, you can select which criteria must be met for the specified action to be performed:
- Criterium Reply: If a client replies to an existing ticket, the specified action will be performed.
- Criterium New ticket: If a client creates a new ticket, the specified action will be performed.
- Criterium Department: If a ticket is in a particular department, the specified action will be performed.
- Criterium Status: If a ticket has a particular status, the specified action will be performed.
- For the specified action to be performed, all the criteria must be met.
- In the Action section, you can find two options: Change department to and Change status to.
- When you save the rule, a list of all rules will appear.
- You can change the order of the rules using the corresponding arrows in the Rule execution order column.
- A rule that is higher up is processed earlier.
Helpdesk: Notifications
- In the top bar, next to the Logout icon, you can see a number that shows you how many Helpdesk-related notifications for you there are in the system.
- These notifications will inform you of any changes in the assigned tickets, new replies, newly assigned tickets, etc.
- If you click on the number, a window will appear containing a list of the latest notifications.
- You can also use the Notification center button. If you click on it, you will be taken to a list of all notifications.
- In the list, you can mark notifications as read.
Router configuration form
- The form used for editing router configurations has been modified.
- If you change one of the important settings in the form, a new button Save and update router configuration will appear next to the Save button.
- If you click on the Save button, the form will be saved. The router configuration will not be updated at that moment.
- If you click on the new button Save and update router configuration, a confirmation window will appear.
- If you really want to update the router configuration, choose the first option (Save and update router).
- If you do not want to update the router configuration, choose the second option (Save only).
Inventory cards
- There is a new tab Cards in Inventory.
- If you cannot see the tab in the menu, please check your account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
- This page contains an overview of individual inventory groups and types along with a corresponding number of items.
- If you click on the Magnifying glass icon in a particular row, a list of the corresponding items will be displayed along with information on where the item is at the moment.
- Above the table is an Add items button. Using this button, you can add new items of the same type to the inventory.
- If you click on the Magnifying glass icon, you will be taken to the Item details page.
Service suspension notifications
- Invoicing / Settings / General: There are two new settings on the page: send_email_to_suspended_client and send_sms_to_suspended_client.
- The feature may serve as a substitute for info pages that are displayed to clients when their services have been suspended.
- If you enable send_email_to_suspended_client, emails will be automatically sent to clients with suspended services. You can create your own template in Settings / Other / Email templates (column Auto suspension).
- If you enable send_sms_to_suspended_client, SMS messages will be automatically sent to clients with suspended services. You can create your own template in Settings / Other / SMS templates (column Auto suspension).
- If you would like to include information about the reason for suspension, use the $SUSPENSION_REASON$ variable in the template(s).
- Dealer portal: The Issue invoice form has been reworked and enhanced.
- When the user is in the process of issuing an invoice, the system continuously calculates a maximum amount that can be invoiced given the present combination of invoice group, month and year.
- The user can view invoiced items before issuing an invoice.
- As far as already issued invoices are concerned, the user can also view the invoiced items.
- Administration interface of ISPadmin: In a particular dealer’s credit overview, it is possible to edit or remove all items that have not yet been allocated to invoices. Before, it was possible to edit manually added credit only.
- Removed items can be restored.
Further changes
- Clients / Contacts: You can now check two new boxes in the page settings. Both are called Login name. If you do that, the tables on the page and in the export file will contain a new column with Client portal usernames (login names). You can also use the fulltext search feature to find a particular username.
- Clients / Internet: Quotation marks in client names are displayed correctly.
- Client card / Internet statistics: New transferred data graphs for individual Internet services
- Client card / Active services / Internet: If a switch is selected, it is not necessary to enter a port switch.
- Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: Incomplete item check for the Other invoice items section has been added to the form.
- Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: Input validation has been enhanced.
- Client card / History: Invoice item changes in the General service settings are newly logged in the history.
- Hardware: The SNMP community fields (routers, devices connected to routers, switches) are now standard text fields.
- Hardware / Routers / All: Add/Edit router form: If you check the Use API box, the value 8728 will automatically appear in the API port field. If you check the Use API-SSL box, the value will be changed to 8729.
- Hardware / Routers / All: Router update and Connection test modal window behavior has been modified to prevent any browser freezes from occurring.
- Hardware / Switches: When you set up uplink on a particular port, the UPlink label is immediately attached to it.
- The Settings / Syst. settings / General page includes the voip_masked_phone_numbers setting. That setting is used to activate or deactivate phone number masking in all the relevant lists in the Administration interface. In Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / General, you can newly find the following setting: ci_voip_masked_phone_numbers. That setting is used to activate or deactivate phone number masking in all the relevant lists in the Client portal.
- Scheduling / Task list: New column Status added to the CSV export file. The column contains information about whether a given task is resolved or unresolved.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Debts / Debts: The PDF file that is generated when you click on the Export to PDF button now includes information about the creation date and time and about the user who generated the file.
- Invocing / Bank / Email: The Match unmatched payments again feature has been fixed. Now it does not process discarded payments.
- Invoicing / Settings / Templates / Reminders: The Reminder fee column now contains a fee for VAT payers as well as VAT non-payers. The type of price displayed for VAT payers depends on the cena_dph_typ setting in Invoicing / Settings / General.
- Other / Tools: Transfer from router to router: Bug fixed
- New system variable $CONTRACT_CREATED_DATE$ (= Contract creation date)
- Helpdesk / Tickets: Modal windows for creation of new tickets and replies have been removed.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: When creating a new ticket, you can immediately select an owner, priority and status.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: When creating a new reply, you can have a look at the previous conversation. Using the Add reply button, you can show or hide the Reply section. The unfinished text is kept for a period of 10 minutes.
- Helpdesk /Tickets: Wrong data could appear in the Last reply column. Bug fixed.
- Helpdesk /Tickets: When several email addresses were used for communication with the staff, the original one might get overwritten by new ones. Now, such addresses are added to Cc. The original one remains intact.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: Unread tickets are now better distinguishable from read tickets in the ticket list.
- Helpdesk / Tickets: New Fullscreen mode
- Helpdesk / Tickets: More space has been alllocated for email subjects in the ticket list.