ISPadmin 5.18
25. 5. 2021
ISPadmin 5.18 stable
RELEASE DATE: June 24, 2021
- Client card / Active services / Internet: Data retrieval for the Queue trees setting has been fixed.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: A CMTS service edit form error has been fixed.
- Hardware / POPs / Links: If a device was selected in the Device filter and then the device was deleted, an error could occur. Fixed.
- Hardware / NetMonitor: A Config Reload-related issue has been fixed.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview / List of offline devices: When the user clicked on the Disable monitoring option for devices connected to routers, the devices were not displayed correctly on the form. Fixed.
- Inventory / Inventory / Assign items to technician: The list of available users has been fixed.
ISPadmin 5.18 beta2
RELEASE DATE: June 10, 2021
- Client card / Active services / Internet: Retrieval of access points in the Internet service edit mode has been fixed.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: The options displayed in the Queue trees setting contain the relevant descriptions again.
- Settings / Code lists / Scheduling / Task types: Handling of the default values has been modified.
- Scheduling / Task list: When editing an activity, you can now enter the time spent in hours and minutes.
- Scheduling / Report: PDF export generation has been modfied.
- Other / Bulk: As far as the Include all dependent routers option is concerned, the system again takes into account more levels of hierarchy.
- Other / Tools / Transfer from router to router: An error message has been removed that could appear on the form under certain circumstances.
ISPadmin 5.18 beta1
RELEASE DATE: May 25, 2021
User groups
- Settings / Administrators / Groups: On this page, you can add, edit, set and delete groups that can be used to specify permissions for individual users.
- Once a group is added to the system, you can click on the Set group permisssions button.
- A form appears using which you can specify which permissions the users belonging to the group will have.
- You cannot enter personal data or Helpdesk signature on the form because the data are unique to each user. The corresponding fields are disabled.
- Settings / Administrators / Administrators: A new column has been added to the table: Group. In this column, you can find out which group the users in the list belong to.
- In the user settings, you can choose a particular group from the Group menu in the Personal data section.
- If you check the Use group permissions checkbox, most of the form disappears. Only the Personal data and Helpdesk signature sections remain.
- If a user is set up this way, their permissions will always reflect the group permissions.
- When the group settings are changed, a message appears that informs you how many user have been affected by the changes.
- You can use the Copy permissions feature to copy user as well as group permissions.
User deactivation
- Settings / Administrators / Administrators: In the user list, there is a new button that you can use to deactivate a user.
- Once you confirm the deactivation, the corresponding row turns red.
- Deactivated users cannot log in to the system.
- Deactivated users cannot be selected when you are creating new tasks, assigning Inventory items to users or assigning tickets to users.
- Deactivated users are included in all the relevant filters, though.
Page-module matching changes
- Some pages have been assigned to a different (more appropriate) module.
- If a given module is not included in your license, you will not be able to access the pages.
- CMTS module:
- Clients / Services / CATV
- Clients / Services / DVBC
- Client card / DVB-C set-top boxes
- Settings / Tariffs / CATV
- Settings / Tariffs / DVBC
- Settings / Syst. settings / CATV
- Settings / Active services / DVBC
- Network management and monitoring module:
- Clients / Services / VoIP
- Clients / Services / IPTV
- Clients / Services / Mobile
- Client card / Internet statistics
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet
- Settings / Tariffs / VoIP
- Settings / Tariffs / IPTV
- Settings / Administrators / Mikrotik login
- Settings / Administrators / Admin MAC address
- Settings / Syst. settings / VoIP
- Settings / Syst. settings / VPN
- Settings / Code lists / Clients / Service types
- Settings / Code lists / Clients / Services – stats
- Settings / Code lists / Nagios
- Settings / Active services / Mobile
- Other / Import / VoIP import
- Other / Import / VoIP overviews
- Other / Import / IPEX
- Other / Map
- Other / Tools / Change tariff
- Other / Tools / List of displayed info pages
- Inventory module:
- Settings / Code lists / Inventory
Bulk emails, SMS and actions
- The following pages have been completely reworked: Other / Bulk / Email, Other / Bulk / SMS and Other / Bulk / Action.
- Filters have been unified.
- In the Filters section, you can newly add or remove individual filters and choose whether you want for all the conditions to be met or for any of them to be met.
- In the Action tab, the section is divided into client filters and service filters. Options offered on the right-hand side of the page depend on the type chosen.
- At the top of the section, you can find a number that indicates how many relevant items have been found by the system. When you click on it, a list of items with corresponding links appears.
- On the right-hand side of the individual pages, you can set up bulk emails, SMS or actions.
- Labels have been newly integrated into the bulk actions. Labels can be used as filters and can also be added to or removed from clients or services.
- More than one router can be selected in the Router filter.
Variables in email subjects
- When sending emails, settings, contracts, cancellation files or consents from the Client card or bulk emails from Other / Bulk / Email, you can enter variables into the Subject field. These variables are converted to particular values during sending.
- When you are sending emails from the Client card, the system will not allow you send emails whose subjects are empty after conversion. If the subject is empty, a message appears. If this happens, you need to modify the subject.
- When you are sending bulk emails from Other / Bulk / Email, the system will add the text No subject to the subject line if the subject is empty after conversion.
- You can also use variables in the subject lines of email templates. These variables are converted to particular values once the template is selected from the relevant menu on the form.
- NetMonitor serves as a replacement for the monitoring system used up to this point (Nagios). It is still possible to use both these systems, but only NetMonitor will be used in the future versions.
- If you cannot see the tabs mentioned below, you need to change your user account settings (Settings / Administrators / Administrators)!
- Settings / Syst. settings / General:
- nagiosNotify: Disable Nagios notifications
- nagios: Disable the entire Nagios system. When the entire system is disabled this way, the Parent device for Nagios sections from the device settings are removed.
- Hardware / Settings / NetMonitor / General: General NetMonitor settings. netMonitorNotify: Enable NetMonitor notifications.
- Hardware / Settings / NetMonitor / Templates: Email, SMS, Push and Dashboard template settings for outage notifications
- Hardware / Settings / NetMonitor / Contacts: Contact group and contact settings
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview: List of all monitored groups along with their subdivision into the Online, Offline and Unreachable statuses. + List of all offline devices.
- Hardware / NetMonitor / History: Log of all NetMonitor-related events
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Notifications: Log of all NetMonitor notifications
- Hardware / NetMonitor / Unmonitored devices and services: List of unmonitored devices and services
- A new widget has been added to Dashboard: Alerts. The widget contains alerts generated by the system based on the settings specified in Settings / Alerts (Dashboard notifications must be set up).
- The Nagios notifications widget has been renamed Notifications. It contains NetMonitor/Nagios notifications.
- The Offline routers widget has been renamed List of offline devices. It contains not only offline routers, but also other offline devices. The Clients, Address and Router type columns have been removed. Instead of addresses, the widget contains information about the relevant POPs along with links to the map. Next, there is a new column called Type. Individual device types are graphically represented there. In another new column – Importance – you can find device importance based on the POP to which the device is assigned. Finally, there is also a new column called Report outages. Default sorting: Importance (descending) –> Report outages (first with reporting, then without) –> Offline time (ascending). You need to have permission for the Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview tab to be able to use this widget.
Switch VLAN ID retrieval
- It is now possible to retrieve switch VLAN IDs.
- Since VLAN ID OIDs do not have any standard form (as opposed to traffic OIDs, for example), you have to create a copy of the default template (Settings / Other / SNMP OID) and add to it the VLAN ID OID found in the documentation of a given manufacturer.
- OID examples:
- OIDs have an interface number at the end (interfaceId).
- Next, you have to choose the VLAN ID value type in the template settings.
- Then, you need to create or edit a particular exact device type (Hardware / Settings / Device type). Choose the template created in the previous step as an SNMP template.
- Finally, you have to assign the exact device type to switches.
- VLAN IDs will be retrieved automatically within 5 minutes.
- You can check the correctness of an OID by using the snmpwalk command in the server terminal:
snmpwalk -v snmp_version -c snmp_community switch_ip oid
Emergency mode and QoS
- If the emergency mode is activated on the QoS router, the reduced speed setting is applied to all the relevant clients.
- If the emergency mode is activated only on the subordinate router, the reduced speed setting is applied only to the clients connected to the subordinate router.
- If the emergency mode is activated on both, but the settings are different, the lower setting is applied to the clients.
New burst-related variables
- Existing variables:
- $BURST$ = Burst limit (download)
- $BURST_TIME$ = Burst time (download)
- $BURST_TRESHOLD$ = Burst threshold (download)
- New variables:
- $BURST_UPLOAD$ = Burst limit (upload)
- $BURST_TIME_UPLOAD$ = Burst time (upload)
- $BURST_TRESHOLD_UPLOAD$ = Burst threshold (upload)
- $BURST_MBPS$ = Burst limit (download) – Mb/s
- $BURST_TRESHOLD_MBPS$ = Burst threshold (download) – Mb/s
- $BURST_UPLOAD_MBPS$ = Burst limit (upload) – Mb/s
- $BURST_TRESHOLD_UPLOAD_MBPS$ = Burst threshold (upload) – Mb/s
- During conversion from kb/s to Mb/s, the system takes into account the bitrate_unit setting in Settings / Syst. settings / General.
Add Inventory items form
- Inventory / Inventory / Add items
- The form has been completely reworked.
- The form contains the preset number of rows. The number can be increased or decreased using the Plus and Minus buttons.
- The first row is active. The other ones are inactive (greyed-out).
- Active item = Item to be added. Inactive item = Item not to be added.
- Once you select a certain option or enter some data into an inactive row, the row gets activated automatically.
- An active row can be deactivated. In that case, the item is not added to the inventory, even though the row has been filled in.
- When data are entered into active rows, it is necessary for the Item group, Item type, Unit and Quantity columns to be filled in. Otherwise, a corresponding message appears, and the system will not allow you to save the form.
Helpdesk parser rules
- Helpdesk / Settings / Parser / Rules
- In the Criteria section, there are two new options: Client labels and Subject.
- In the Action section, it is now possible to change priority or add labels.
- As fas as the Subject criterion is concerned, you can choose whether the subject is or is not supposed to be identical with the entered text (Equals / Does not equal) or whether the subject is or is not supposed to contain the entered text (Contains / Does not contain).
- As for the Client labels criterion, you can also choose between 4 options: Equals / Does not equal / Is at least partly from / Is not at all from. Equals: All the labels selected on the right must be included in the client labels. Otherwise, the condition is not met. Does not equal: The other situations that are not covered by the Equals option. Is at least partly from: At least one of the labels selected on the right must be in the client labels. Otherwise, the condition is not met. Is not at all from: The other situations that are not covered by the Is at least partly from option.
Further changes
- Client card / Active services: The Add one-off commission feature has been fixed.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: The items offered in the Queue trees menu reflect switch restrictions set up in the queue tree settings, too.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: An error occurred when a deleted service whose type had also been deleted was to be restored. Fixed.
- Client card / Active services / Internet: If the Tariff description on invoices item is filled in, the text is used not only on invoices, but also in contracts if the $INT_TARIFF$ variable appears in them. If the item is not filled in, the value from the Abbreviation field in the tariff settings is used.
- Client card / Photo gallery: Now it is possible to move photo galleries not only from one client to another, but also from a client to a POP.
- Client card / Invoicing / Issue invoice: The Proforma invoice checkbox is preset based on the invoice group settings or client settings. When a different invoice group is selected, the checkbox setting may change.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The automatic SSH status update process for MikroTik routers has been modified.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The calculation and generation of virtual line graphs have been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All: The download and upload values displayed for network interfaces have been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / All / Particular router / Settings / Queue trees: When access points or switches are deleted that are entered in the queue tree restrictions, the system automatically deletes them from the restriction settings as well.
- Hardware / Routers / All / Particular router / Settings / IP aliases: On the page, you can add, edit and delete the IP aliases of a given router. IP aliases are applied to the firewall.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / Routers: Links to disk usage graphs have been fixed.
- Hardware / Routers / Router status / BW test: In the form, you can specify the number of connections to be used (new field Number of connections).
- Hardware / GPON / Connection / List: In problematic cases, it is possible to reassign a service from another connection.
- Hardware / POPs / Overview: A new button has been added to the page: Default. You can use it to reset all the filters.
- Hardware / POPs / Overview: The Highlight the selected POP checkbox is displayed only if a particular POP is selected in the POP filter.
- Hardware / POPs / Overview: The link edit mode has been modified.
- Hardware / POPs / Overview: An automatic map type switch issue has been fixed.
- POP card / Information: The displayed note takes into account line breaks and blank lines created using the Enter key in the edit mode.
- POP card / Photo gallery: Now it is possible to move photo galleries from one POP to another.
- Routed network duplicate entries: The system checks for potential routed network duplicate entries in the Internet service and router settings.
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: Traffic graphs for individual tariffs are now created in all situations.
- Settings / Tariffs / Internet: The Back button has been added to the page containing all tariff graphs (button All).
- Settings / Other / Contacts: This tab has been moved to a different location in the main menu. You can find it here: Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / Contacts.
- Settings / Other / SNMP OID / Import template: The item limit has been removed. It is now possible to import more than 32 items.
- Settings / Alerts: You can now use the $POP$ variable in the alert templates.
- Statistics / Client stats / By connection: When you are scrolling through the table, the table header remains visible at all times.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing/ By period: The Paid invoices column has been renamed Paid invoices and credit notes.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Invoicing / By groups: A new column has been added to the table: Partially paid. The Paid invoices column has been renamed Paid invoices and credit notes.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Pending items: The entire page has been rewritten. Formerly, it contained uninvoiced pending items only. Now it contains invoiced as well as uninvoiced pending items. The Status filter can used to specify which pending items are to be displayed. You can find out more details about each entry by clicking on the corresponding Eye icon.
- Invoicing / Overviews / Debts / Debts: You can send indivual invoices to the corresponding clients from the list.
- Invoicing / Bank / Email: The Day filter has been fixed (option All).
- Invoicing / Settings / Templates / Inv. templates: A new column has been added to the form: VAT rate. By default, the default value from the system settings is used. If you enter a different value into the relevant field, that value will be used instead.
- Inventory / Cards: New columns have been added to the table and exports: Total sale price, Total purchase price, Last purchase price and Last entry. Export settings have been added to the page settings.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details / Add reply: Reply type is preselected based on the type used in the last ticket item.
- Helpdesk / Tickets / Ticket details / History: Ticket merges are newly recorded in the history.
- Dashboard / Alerts: Instead of one 5Ghz band-related widget, Dashboard now contains a few of them (their number may vary depending on the localization used).