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ISPadmin 5.21

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ISPadmin 5.21 stable

RELEASE DATE: February 22, 2022

  • Client card / Active services: When the service type is changed to GPON, the associated switch is removed from the service.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: Links to client graphs have been added to VLAN interfaces.
  • Other / Tools / Transfer from router to router: Descriptions and filtering have been modified. Access points are filtered based on subnets. A transfer check has been added to the form.

ISPadmin 5.21 beta3

RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2022

  • Client card / Invoicing: In the Invoices section, a number is given in the Invoice number VS column even when the relevant invoice is a proforma invoice. The same applies to the PDF export file.
  • Client portal: The login attempts limit is now linked to a particular user account.
  • Hardware: The graphs of all relevant services are displayed on the network interface graphs overview page.
  • Settings / Tariffs: It is possible to change the Tariff type setting from Half duplex to Full duplex for tariffs that are intended for services of the Cable (CMTS) type.
  • Invoicing: The automatic reminder send process has been optimized.

ISPadmin 5.21 beta2

RELEASE DATE: February 8, 2022

  • Client card: The address form has been reordered. The Street and House number fields have been moved to the top.
  • Client card / Information: The Contacts widget has been reworked. In the default view, the name and description of a contact person is shown. When you click on the Eye icon, the corresponding details (contact data) are displayed.
  • Client card / Active services / Add IPTV service: In the IPTV type menu, the item has been replaced with the General IPTV service item.
  • Client card / Active services / Add or Edit IPTV service: The Enter key can be used in the Note field.
  • Client card / Active services / Edit Internet service: The form reload process for displaying a system message has been modified.
  • Client card / RADIUS: An error that occurred on the page has been fixed.
  • A new variable $INT_FEE_INST_INCL_VAT$ has been added to the list of system variables.
  • Hardware / POPs / Overview: An error that occured when saving the Add new POP form has been fixed.
  • Settings / Code lists / Inventory / Item types: An issue with persistent parameters has been fixed.
  • Invoicing / Settings / Templates / Reminders: If a deleted invoice group appeared in the template settings, an error occurred when entering the edit form. Fixed.
  • Inventory: A nameless system inventory type has been deleted from the list.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets: The maximum subject length has been increased to 200 characters.
  • Client portal: The path for displaying the logo on the Create new Client portal password form has been changed.

ISPadmin 5.21 beta1

RELEASE DATE: January 25, 2022

Display of documents in the Client portal according to invoice group

  • When adding/editing a document in Other / Documents, you can check the Display in CP box and then choose a particular invoice group for which the document in question is intended.
  • If you do not select an invoice group, the document will be displayed to all clients (no matter which invoice group they belong to).
  • If you select a particular invoice group, the document will be displayed only to clients from this group.

Display of the Contacts page in the Client portal according to invoice group

  • In the Settings / Syst. settings / Client portal / Contacts tab, you can create different Contacts pages for different invoice groups.
  • The contents of the editor at the top of the page define the default state that applies to all invoice groups.
  • Once you create a different setting for a particular invoice group in the table below, the newly created page will be displayed to clients from this invoice group. The default page will be displayed to the other clients. This way, you can create different pages for all invoice groups.
  • For each invoice group, it is possible to create a maximum of one setting. You can edit or delete an existing setting.

Reworking of the Client card / Invoicing tables

  • In Client card / Invoicing, the Invoices, Cash payments and Cashless payments tables have been reworked.
  • PDF export files are now generated in landscape mode, not in portrait mode.
  • The Invoices table still contains the legend to the individual payment statuses, but if you want to filter data based on payment status, you need to use the new Payment status filter.
  • Some descriptions have been modified to better suit their purpose.

Reworking of the Clients / Services / Internet page

  • The entire page has been reworked.
  • In the page settings (grey icon with three white lines), it is now possible to choose which filters you want to have on the page.
  • The Show monitored clients only filter has been moved to the Details menu.
  • A new column has been added to the table: IPv6 networks. For it to appear in the table, you need to have the ipv6Enabled setting enabled and the column must be enabled in the page settings.

Router QoS settings

  • If you change the QoS performed on setting to a value that is different from Locally and if there are other routers that are dependent on this router, a new section of the form appears. In it, you can specify what is to happen next.
  • If the Do not update option is chosen, no change is applied to the dependent router settings.
  • If the Update according to this router option is chosen, the QoS settings for the dependent routers are changed based on the setting of this router.
  • You can view a list of dependent routers by clicking on an info icon.
  • If you did not select either of the available options, you are asked to do so during the save process.

NetMonitor Overview enhancements

  • Hardware / NetMonitor / Overview
  • Page settings:
    • At the top of the page, you can find the page settings (Cog wheels icon).
    • You can specify which sections are to displayed.
    • You can also change the order of the sections using drag and drop.
    • The last setting (Show only master devices in the list of offline devices) allows you to limit the display of devices in the List of offline devices section.
  • List of groups:
    • In this section, only non-zero values in the Offline and Unreachable columns are highlighted.
  • List of offline devices:
    • A new column has been added to the table: POP. The column contains links to the lists of devices on given POPs.
    • A new column has been added to the table: POP importance.
    • A new column has been added to the table: Master device. In this column, you can find out whether a given device is the highest in the hierarchy.
    • If the Show only master devices in the list of offline devices checkbox in the page settings is checked, the Master device column is not displayed. In the Action column, you can find an Eye icon that allows you to view subordinate offline devices and their level.
  • Services with individual ping settings, but without the Report outages option enabled do not appear in the overview on this page.
  • Widget List of offline devices:
    • The Report outages and Location columns have been removed to make the contents of the widget clearer.
    • Widget settings have been added to the widget. At the moment, only the Show only master devices in the list of offline devices setting is available.
    • If the checkbox is checked, a new column is added to the table. This column contains Eye icons that allow you to view subordinate offline devices and their level.

Map data – NetStork KML

  • A new submodule has been added to the system: Map data – NetStork KML.
  • For more information, please contact our Sales department.
  • Using this submodule, you can import into the system KML data exported from NetStork. The imported data is used as a map layer to display a network map.
  • A KML file can be imported in Hardware / POPs / Map import.
  • If you cannot see the tab, check your user account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
  • On the page, you can also upload a ZIP file containing the map icons.
  • The default ZIP file can be downloaded here.
  • For the map layer to be displayed, you have to upload both files into the system. Status is indicated by an icon next to the relevant items on the form.
  • If you check the Replace icon background with transparent background checkbox, the icon background is made transparent.
  • After import, a new map layer is displayed in Hardware / POPs / Overview, in Other / Map and in the Location information widget in the Client card.
  • Data can be updated by uploading a new KML file.

Bulk transfer of devices from POP to POP

  • POP card / Devices
  • The button for bulk assignment of devices to the POP has been replaced by the Bulk actions button.
  • When you click on the button, two options appear: Bulk assign devices to the POP (already existing option) and Bulk move devices to another POP (new option).
  • If you choose the second option, you are redirected to a form on which you choose a device type, a POP to which you want to move devices and devices that you want to move (checkboxes). Once you have done that, you can select the Move devices bulk action and confirm your choice. The selected devices are moved to the given POP.
  • Records of these transfers can be found in the POP history.

Access points

  • A new tab has been added to Hardware / POPs: Access points.
  • If you cannot see the tab, check your user account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
  • This page contains a list of all access points in the system and allows you to filter and export the data .
  • You can also add, edit and delete access points here.
  • Access points can now be added to any device type.
  • In forthcoming versions, related features will be gradually integrated into the system.

SNMP template export/import

  • Settings / Other / SNMP OID
  • The export and import features have been reworked so that they reflect the current form structure.
  • New instructions have been added to the file import page.
  • During import, the processed data are entered into the form. You can make additional changes to the data before saving the form.

Links between tickets and tasks

  • On the task edit form, there is a new section containing a list of linked tickets. You can click on a ticket number to get to the ticket details page. You can also cancel the existing links here.
  • In the task pop-up window in the Calendar, there is a new section containing a list of linked tickets. You can click on a ticket number to get to the ticket details page.
  • Ticket search feature: If the system finds a ticket that is already linked to the given task, a greyed-out checkbox appears next to the ticket number. That means that you cannot select this ticket. Formerly, such tickets were not displayed at all.

Filtering based on labels for bulk invoice sending

  • Invoicing / Invoices / Invoices
  • On the bulk invoice sending form, there are two new options available: Client labels and Service labels.
  • With the help of the selected labels, you can choose a particular subgroup of invoices to be sent.
  • Both options allow you to choose whether a given client or a given service must have all the selected labels or any of them.
  • Example 1: If two client labels and the All labels option are selected, the system returns only those invoices that were issued to clients with both the labels.
  • Example 2: If two client labels and the Any label option are selected, the system returns only those invoices that were issued to clients with at least one of the labels.
  • Example 3: If two service labels and the All labels option are selected, the system returns only those invoices that include a service with both the labels.
  • Example 4: If two service labels and the Any label option are selected, the system returns only those invoices that include a service with at least one of the labels.

Manual bulk reminders

  • Invoicing / Reminders / Generate
  • When you click on the Generate button on the form, a window appears that contains all the generated reminders.
  • From this window, you can send reminders to clients (section Send) and/or download them to the computer (section Download).
  • If you set a reminder fee on the form, the system will automatically generate the relevant pending items when you send the reminders or click on one of the icons in the By post section.
  • Once you click on the Close button, the generated reminders will no longer be available. It is not possible to download them or send them to clients later, because the data are valid only at the moment of generation.
  • After generation, a new entry appears in the list on the page. The list is a history of manual bulk reminder generation. Entries cannot be deleted.

Subject field in Helpdesk

  • New ticket: The Subject field is available for all ticket types. It is a required field for the Email type only. If no value is entered into the field for the other types, a placeholder text is added to it by the system automatically.
  • New reply: The Subject field is available for all ticket types. It is a required field for the Email type only. If no value is entered into the field for the other types, a placeholder text is added to it by the system automatically.
  • Templates: The Subject field is available for all ticket types.

Creation of a new ticket from an existing message

  • A new option is available for all messages within a ticket: Create a new ticket from this message.
  • When you click on the relevant icon, a window appears that informs you of what is about to happen.
  • The system takes the message and all the messages that are newer and moves them to a newly created ticket.
  • You can confirm the action or cancel it.
  • The newly created ticket has the same attributes as the original one. In the process, the system does not transfer any data that are linked to the original ticket ID.

Changes in the display of the individual types of Helpdesk items in the Client portal

  • From now on, the ticket list in the Client portal includes In person and Phone items.
    • In person items contain only information about the fact that an in-person meeting took place. The contents of the meetings entered into the system are not displayed to clients.
    • Phone items contain only information about the fact that a call from a certain number or a call to a certain number took place. The contents of the calls entered into the system are not displayed to clients.
  • If the sms_notify item in the system settings (Settings / Syst. settings / General) is set to any other value than 0, the entire SMS message is displayed in the Client portal.
  • If the sms_notify item is set to 0, clients can see only information about the fact that an SMS message was sent to a particular number or an SMS message was received from a particular number. The contents of the messages entered into the system are not displayed to clients.

Emoticons in Helpdesk

  • It is now possible to insert emoticons into messages using the Helpdesk text editor.
  • When creating templates, drafts, messages, automatic replies and signatures, you can use the new button in the editor to insert the emoticon you want.
  • The system can also handle incoming messages with emoticons.
  • For such messages to be displayed correctly, you may have to confirm that you want to view the entire contents of the messages.

Invoice groups in the Dealer portal

  • Settings / Administrators / Dealers: In the Invoice clients with invoice group section, you can specify which invoice groups and related invoice items are offered during invoice generation in Dealer portal / Invoicing.
    • If no invoice group is selected, all invoice groups and related invoice items are offered.
    • If a particular invoice group is selected, only the selected invoice group and related invoice items are offered.
  • During invoice generation, hidden invoice groups are no longer available in the Invoice group menu.

Further changes

  • Clients / Contacts: The Search button has been added back to the page.
  • Clients / Services / Internet: When you choose the Ping monitoring option from the Details filter, only those services are displayed that have an individual ping setting that is still valid.
  • Clients / Services / IPTV: The calculation for the Price per month column has been fixed.
  • Client card: The Sender menu has been unified in all the relevant Client card tabs. The way the last used option on the individual forms is saved has been changed so that system upgrades do not reset the value.
  • Client card / Information: Data in the Last change item now reflect not only data about the last edit, but also data about the creation of a new client.
  • Client card / Internet statistics: The section containing information about access point, end device and monthly data has been added to the page for those types of Internet services whose statistics did not include the information.
  • Client card / Active services: If no ONT was chosen during the creation of a GPON Internet service, an error appeared once the user clicked on Save. Now a message appears instead.
  • Client card / Active services: The Dealer section has been added to the add/edit IPTV service form.
  • Client card / Contracts: The display of the calendar in the Creation date item on the form has been modified.
  • Hardware: Graphs plotted based on SNMP templates no longer contain the names of the individual OIDs in the graph name. The legend has been limited to one line only. If it is longer, a scrollbar appears.
  • Hardware: Outage notifications have been improved.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: Router details in the overview now include information about the POP to which a given router is assigned. Also available is a link to the relevant POP card.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The POP and Location items on the add/edit router form include the full-text search feature.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The SNMP-related section on the add/edit router form has been added to all router types.
  • Hardware / Routers / All: The Add extra MAC option on the edit router form (Edit extra MAC on the router) has been fixed.
  • Hardware / Routers / Router status / WiFi list: Cambium devices have been added to the list.
  • Hardware / Routers / RADIUS: A new subtab has been added to the menu: Failed authentication. The page contains an overview of unsuccessful authentication attempts. For the page to be displayed, it is necessary for your license to include the RADIUS module and for you to have the corresponding user permission.
  • Hardware / Switches: You can change the switch template if there are no services assigned to the switch ports. If there are services that are assigned to the switch, but not to any of its ports, it is possible to change the template.
  • Hardware / POPs / All: A new column has been added to the table: Unlinked devices. The column contains numbers indicating how many devices with an IP address, but without a single link are assigned to a given POP.
  • Hardware / NetMonitor / History: A new column has been added to the table: POP. The column contains links to the lists of devices on given POPs.
  • Hardware / NetMonitor / Notifications: A new column has been added to the table: POP. The column contains links to the lists of devices on given POPs.
  • Hardware / Settings / NetMonitor / Templates: A new checkbox has been added to all template types: Notify when online. If the checkbox is checked, the system sends a notification when the device status changes to Online. If not, the system does not send a notification.
  • Settings / Tariffs / Internet: The default view of the tariffs list has been fixed.
  • Settings / Alerts: A new subtab has been added to the menu: Contacts. You can specify contact groups for alerts there. If you do not see the tab, check your user account settings in Settings / Administrators / Administrators.
  • Scheduling / Calendar: Push notifications for task changes made in the calendar using the mouse have been added to the system.
  • Scheduling / Task list: An issue with CSV exports of the entire month has been fixed.
  • Invoicing / Settings / Accounting codes / Accounting codes: When an accouting code is to be deleted, the system checks whether it is in use. If so, a list is displayed of places where it is used. Such an accounting code cannot be deleted.
  • Other / Tools / Change tariff: The bulk tariff change feature and related processes have been modified.
  • Other / Tools / Transfer services from one switch to another: In the overview, you can see all the services assigned to the switch. It is now possible to transfer even services that are not assigned to any of the switch ports. The system checks the compatibility between the source switch template and the destination switch template.
  • Helpdesk / Tickets / Drafts: A new column has been added to the list: Ticket. Also available are links to the draft edit pages.
  • The Allowed websites section on the info page is not displayed if it is empty.