Configuration of items displayed on invoices
In the invoice group settings (Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups), you can set which items are to appear on invoices generated within a given invoice group. Among other things, you can set the following:
- Logo (section Logo)
- Stamp (section Stamp)
- Company details (section Invoicing information)
- Proforma invoice heading (section Proforma invoice)
- Additional text that will appear on proforma invoices (section Proforma invoice)
- Additional text that will appear on tax invoices (section Invoicing information)
In the general invoicing settings (Invoicing / Settings / General), you can change the settings so that certain items do not appear on invoices:
- dont_show_bank_information: Hide bank account numbers, bank names, IBANs and BICs
- dont_show_ss: Hide specific symbols
- dont_show_vs: Hide variable symbols