In your text editor, create a contract template in RTF, DOC or DOCX format.
When creating the template, use system variables instead of specific data where applicable.
You can have the system display a list of system variables by clicking on the List of system variables button.
Upload the template to the system in Settings / Contracts / My templates. Click on the New template button, enter the file and possibly also choose a type (Settings / Contracts / Types tab, for filtering purposes). Save the form.
If the pdf_automatic_convert item in Settings / Syst. settings / General is set to 1, the contract will be automatically created in PDF format too.
Contract generation in the Client card
In Client card / Contracts, click on the New contract button.
Choose a template.
If the template contains any system variables that are related to one specific active service, it is necessary to select the service whose data will be used during contract generation (Service).
Include client goods in the contract:
The $CLI_USER_GOODS$ variable has been replaced with a new one: $CLI_GOODS[column][number]$
This variable can be used in contract templates.
[number]: In the template, the “number” string is to be replaced with a number (1,2, 3, …). With the help of these numbers, you will be able to add particular inventory items to the contract in Client card / Contracts / New contract. First checkbox checked = [1], second checkbox checked = [2], etc.
[column]: In the template, the “column” string is to be replaced with the name of a particular column (for example: SUPPLIER). You can find the correct column name in the following list:
Group of goods
Type of items
Serial number
Purchase price
Sale price
In the list of generated contracts, you can enable/disable the display of contracts in the Client portal (click on an icon in the Display in CP column).
You can download a file containing a contract.
You can send a contract to the client via email (Send contract to the client).
You can edit or delete a contract.
Bulk contract generation
In Settings / Contracts / Bulk, click on the Bulk generate contracts button.
Choose a contract template that will be used for bulk contract generation.
The Contracts item indicates how many contracts will be generated under the given circumstances. You can also have a look at the overview.
In the bottom half of the form, there are various filters that you can use to specify which contracts will be generated.
Multiselect is enabled for the Clients with labels and Services with labels filters.
If two labels (A and B) are selected in the filter, it means that only those items (clients/services) are chosen that have both the labels.
The generated contracts are saved to the respective Client cards.
In the overview, you can have the system display a list of generated contracts (click on a number in the Contracts column). You can also download the contracts as well as delete them.