Helpdesk notifications and User settings
In connection with the implementation of the Helpdesk module, we have integrated into the system the notification feature. Notifications are primarily generated to be displayed by the system. For example, a user changes department in one of the tickets that is not assigned to them and the ticket owner is notified of that action using a simple, clear message. The owner can receive such notifications via email too. It all depends on the individual settings.
As part of the changes, the so-called User settings (Do not confuse these with the user permission settings in the individual user accounts.) have been moved to a different location. For us to be able to expand the number of user-related settings, we have had to add a new menu (similar to the one displayed in the Client card) to the system. Using the menu, you can easily change, for example, the application appearance or the individual notification settings.
So, where do you find all these options? You can get to the User settings by clicking on the User icon in the top panel. Or you can also get there by clicking on the Bell icon and then on the Cog wheel icon in the displayed pop-up window.

As far as the User settings and the Appearance tabs are concerned, no changes have occurred. You can still change your password as well as the application appearance. The new feature is the Notification settings. In the tab, you can specify what you want to be informed about.
Notification settings

If there is no entry in the list, the system will display notifications about all relevant actions related to your tickets. If you would like to receive notifications via email, you have to create a new entry in the list. In the form, you can specify your needs. When adding/editing an entry, you have to fill in the Name field, choose at least one department and at least one notification type.
If there is more than one entry in the list, make sure that the settings do not overlap. Otherwise, you might receive several identical notifications. This can happen, for example, when you choose the same department and the same notification types in more than one entry.