Mobile App ISPadmin
As a part of the development of the ISPadmin system, a mobile application of the same name is available – ISPadmin.
Features and functions
In the application is possible:
- create and assign tasks to ISPadmin system users (technicians) or users (technicians) can assign tasks to managers (module ), it is possible to assign tasks to clients, routers, POPs, other devices too or it can be a unspecified task. Tasks can be save to selected shared calendar added in the mobile device.
App is primarily developed for daily activities of technicians who have all necessary information in their hands. - display informations about routers (+ add photos, + test connection),
- display informations about clients (+ add photos), through services it is possible to PING end devices of clients,
- display charts for Internet services directly in the app,
- display informations about POPs (+ add photos),
- display push notifications from NetMonitor (Nagios).
- use user rights settings from the ISPadmin system.
If you want use the mobile application, certain prerequisites must be met:
- The application is only available for devices with Android (9.0 and later) and iOS (12.0 and later),
- It’s necessary to have a license in your ISPadmin system for the Task manager or an error message pops up,
- For the current version (1.5.1) it is important to use ISPadmin 5.18 stable. With earlier versions of ISPadmin, it isn’t possible to use the new version of the mobile application correctly (possible dependencies on new features),
- It’s necessary to have the HTTPS certificate set up correctly.
Links to download