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For PayPal payment matching to work correctly, several conditions must be met:

  • Payments must be made using the Pay button in Client portal / Invoicing.
  • PayPal is not one of the predefined (system) payment methods. You can add it to the system in Invoicing / Settings / Code lists / Payment method.
  • In the invoice group settings (Invoicing / Settings / Invoice groups), you have to enter your PayPal account ID and activate the feature.
  • If a client does not belong to the invoice group for which PayPal has been activated, they cannot pay using this method.
  • You can use a single PayPal account for more than one invoice group.
  • It is necessary to correctly set up public access to the ISPadmin server (Settings / Syst. settings / General). Enter the IP address or domain name of the ISPadmin server in the ispadmin_public_address item.
  • Enable all notification channels in your PayPal account configuration.

You can find all the PayPal payments in Invoicing / Bank / PayPal.

You can view all the payment notifications in the Apache server log after running the following command:

cat /var/log/apache2/access_support_ispadmin.log | grep notify