How is ISPadmin 5 different from ISPadmin 4
There are many differences between the two versions. This page contains just a brief overview of some of them. If you are interested in the complete list of changes, please consult our Changelog page: .
Information on new features and other changes can be found not only in our changelogs, but also in our newsletters. If you do not receive our newsletters for some reason, you can find them either on Wiki 5 in the relevant sections or on our website. If you would like to receive our newsletters, please contact our Sales Department (
- New licensing model
- New pricing policy
- Modular system as opposed to a system as a whole
- Clearly defined technical support levels
Global system changes:
- New operating system: Debian 9 and 10
- New database system: MySQL 5.7
- New PHP version: PHP 7.2
- Migration to Nette Framework
- Migration to Bootstrap Framework
- Across-the-board code optimization and script modifications
- Support for the individual system components
- Future system component upgrades
- Better compatibility with new technologies, easier implementation of new features and higher security level
- Big data processing optimization
Responsive design:
- Switch to responsive design to make the use of the system on mobile devices easier
- Removal of frames
- Implementation of a new main menu and Client card menu
- Compact main menu
- New REST API: Clients (Contacts)
- New REST API: Administrators (Users)
- New REST API: Tasks
- New optional module integrated into the system
- It allows system users to communicate with clients via email.
- Communication history is logged by the system.
- The module is interlinked with the Client card and the Client portal. In the future, it will be interlinked with the Scheduling module, too.
- Statuses, departments, priorities and labels can be used.
- Notification system integrated
- New FlowPRO module integrated into the system
- FlowPRO can now be used as part of ISPadmin.
- New GPON module integrated into the system
- This module allows users to manage optical networks effectively.
Task Manager:
- Mobile application for Android and iOS devices completely rewritten
- Each new version of the application offers new options and features.
- Dashboard completely reworked
- Divided into several sections
- New widgets and options added
- System alerts integrated
- Dashboard displayed after login
Permission settings:
- Implementation of a new user permission system
- New feature Copy user permission settings between users
- Important permission settings alert
- Bulk invoice sending feature optimization + Information on the status of the process
- Implementation of automatic matching of payments to more than one invoice
- Concurrent running of several invoicing actions blocked: If users try to perform several invoicing actions in the same invoice group or client at (appoximately) the same time, all but one action will be blocked in order to prevent any unwanted interferences from occuring between the individual processes.
- New payment type added: Online card payment via GoPay: Support for card payments via the GoPay payment gateway integrated into the Client portal
- Reminder feature rewritten
- Reworked graphical displays of invoiced periods + new click-through option
- New feature Do not suspend services temporarily
- Payment calendar feature rewritten
- Support for line breaks on invoices
- Dynamic creation of the invoiced items table
- Lock invoicing period feature rewritten
- New option Export individual invoices to ZIP file
- New permission setting for the Bulk invoice deletion feature + History
- Bulk invoicing according to labels
- Expanded version of the MikroTik upgrade utility
- New tab Dashboard: Information on the current status of the individual MikroTik routers
- Support for MikroTik API-SSL
- Bulk password change utility
- Support for MikroTik 60 GHz devices
- Bulk firmware upgrade option
- Delete user from the router option
- More options when creating/editing tasks (any number of users, file multiupload, …)
- Related task option added
- Recurring task option added
- Tasks without descriptions and activities
- Task bulk actions added
- Navigation within the Calendar modified
- Spent time input changed
- Work list rewritten
- Scheduling labels added
- History of access points
- Expanded history of devices connected to routers
- Expanded history of network interfaces
- History of a particular router
- Logging of automatically suspended services
- History of actions performed by a particular user
- History of bulk invoice generation
- History of changes to invoice group settings
- History of changes to security settings
- History of accesses of users to Client cards
Imports and exports:
- Modifications of existing imports and addition of new ones
- Export the contents of Inventory to CSV
- Export the contents of Scheduling / Task list and Report to CSV
- New CSV and PDF exports from Clients pages
- Implementation of a new ping engine
- Implementation of new ping graphs
- Implementation of new ping settings
- New graphs in the system
- New graphic design, extended settings
- One or more templates can be added to all device types.
- Alerts can be applied to any OID from templates.
- Serial SNMP retrieval
- Implementation of a new backup method
- Rewrite of the backup settings page
- CloudBackup (for ISPadmin SERVER): System backup to the cloud storage of the system provider
Further important changes:
- Better handling of GPS coordinates
- New option to define your own service type
- New feature Copy router
- POPs and links
- So-called other devices can be added to the system.
- New feature Duplicate email address/phone number check
- New feature Inventory items prefilled based on the Item types code list (manual filling of the form)